When I decided to start testing again early this year my intent was to provide data through my website and use my YouTube page to provide a wrap-up of the reviews and explain the data. I didn’t know how it was going to pan out but I was hopeful it would work. So far, people seem to be quite receptive of this method.
Since most comments I get are in relation to the video reviews, I’m working hard to get my YouTube channel off the ground and gain more visibility in that outlet. There’s been a pretty steep learning curve but I have really been happy with the progress thus far and I am continuing to learn what works and what needs improvement not only in the videos but the subject matter as well.
My hope is that the channel will be a resource for consumers so they understand what they are getting and understand the importance of objective data and how it correlates with subjective listening impressions. Aside from that, however, I want it to be a means of accountability in the community. There are many YouTube “reviewers” who prey on their viewership by providing disingenuous reviews to make a few bucks off Amazon affiliate links or getting free gear in return for a positive review. There are manufacturers who have the means to provide us with specifications so we can make an informed purchase decision but they don’t do that. I want to use my platform to educate the consumer that we can and should expect more from reviewers and manufacturers. Unfortunately, I’m just a little fish in a big pond right now and I can’t achieve these goals without your help.
So, if there is a video I've created that you think your friends might be interested in, please take the time to share it to your social media page, forums, etc. Or you can share the link to my channel below:
And let me be clear… as far as monetization goes, I am 2400 hours away from generating ad-based revenue. And, for that matter, I believe YT only pays 2 cents per view. So, there are no hopes or crazy dreams of me making this thing a means of income. I mean, enough views might buy me lunch now and again but that’s about it. This isn’t about money. I have a good paying day job that I enjoy. This is about passion. My love for audio. My love for understanding how it works. And my passion for educating us all (myself included; always learning) so we can be better informed. That said, if Mcintosh ever offers to send me an amplifier to test out you guys will never hear from me again because I will pack up the amp, my family, dog and swim trunks and fly straight to a coastal country that does not extradite to the US.
Thanks again for your support.
- Erin