Sad sad sad it is now uh? Don't you know the cheapest thing to replace is a human life. You believe the Wealthy and powerful have the common citizens best interest at heart? Nan.. They'll Sacrifice your children to stay wealthy and in Power. Whats the first thing that Some of the investors that are in power up in Washington Senate and Congress did? They Dump their stocks as fast as they could. Insider trading yeah right only fits when it's Applied to someone that they choose to arrest and slab handcuffs on but not the Wealthy and powerful those Rule of Law, Doesn't apply to them. The rule of law is a joke and the joke is on the Common citizens of this nation.
I don't think anyone believes the elite as We might call them have the common citizens at heart
That couldn't have been more clear when they ripped us off on that relief package they passed that we will end up having to pay for
The bottom line is if we can't get our poop together soon were going to end up with a lot of blood on our hands
Because we're not going to be able to handle another New York especially in multiple places with this virus
And we quiet simply can't afford to lockdown again we may end up having to do it any way but it will just crush the economy and for what?
It won't be effective if people don't f@$!in listen or comply with the lockdowns and when you need them to follow protocols when you lift them up
Which we sure as sh@$ have proven there s too many in this nation that will behave that way from the last one
Lockdowns buy our medical system time yes BUT they are also supposed to set us for testing and contact tracing to be put into place but since our leadership and the captain at the helm are obviously unable to pull it off what's the point? You lift the lockdown you can't trace it contaign it properly it'll just spread everywhere again so you create more unrest drug use crime homelessness social tension civil unrest for what? For nothing basically
We just take on extra damage for what? More people to die when they lift them because a@$$ holes won't listen? Your basically killing the same amount of people down the road just sadistically torturing them by doing it slowly. And then dumping all the extra other problems on top
So that leaves us with one final situation that nobody wants but we seemed doomed to be heading towards we end up being forced to pick who lives and who dies. The virus will burn right through us at that point and that'll be the only option left we won't have any other recourse if we let it get to that point
And quiet frankly we will clusterfu@$! That one up too. We are living in a society more worried about changing the name of fu@$cking Eskimo Pies for Christ's sake to not offend anybody. You can't tell me we have a government or collective will as a society to just cold bloodedly have the stomach or resolve to make that call.
But that's what they're going to be faced with if leadership doesnt get its act together which I don't see them doing when you have a dumbass running around trying to create super spreader events with rally's calling it the kung flu saying he wanted them to slow DOWN testing Basically not setting up proper testing and praying for the summer to just magically make it go away. What a f@!king moron
Too many people jostling for power and politics they better get there head out off there a@$ they need to be worried more about this stupid Damn virus
I'm resigned to it by now everything I worried about when it broke our borders has come to pass every thing but what the f@$! can any one person do except the right thing as best as he can
I'm going back into isolating big time limiting contacts and just try to do my part it's obvious San Antonio is hot spotting so sh@! what the hell just try to be part of the solution and not the Damn problem really