Your use of over-sized and bolded text is... distracting
The cause of most problems is humans. Arrogant, ignorant and stupid. Let's see how they react to their kids being held in a box, being fed only milk and killed at their first birthday party. Force feeding geese to fatten the liver?
Not really sure if that's a statement or question or what.
If wild animals eat meat, why can't humans? This is a matter of ethics and humans aren't usually ethical, even if a person invented the word and its definition.
Clearly we can, as we, in fact, do.
But if we try to take a moral high-ground on China while ignoring our own behavior, we hare hypocrites.
I absolutely agree with this, but some lawmakers take it to extremes with their attitude of "We need to tell them what they can do in all ways, to protect them from themselves". Unfortunately, people seem to have lost the ability to consider the consequences of their actions, even when they constantly say they're sick of what is happening around them.
Yes. From abortion laws to marriage laws to Texas outlawing vibrators... government over-reach is a huge problem.
The problem- you can tell people something is not allowed, but they'll continue to do it.
You can. It makes you a hypocrite, and it was the point of my earlier paragraph.
Forbid vs require- in many cases it's only semantics; writing a law forbidding violence is different from requiring people to be peaceful in word, only. The possibility of all people obeying the requirement to be peaceful is nil because of human nature.
I don't think it's that simple. But OK.
Who determines who gets what- politicians, again? Will they be able to retroactively take from those who already have more? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like that if it means that you'll lose what you have.
I won't like bad laws and I will like good ones.
Politicians not passing good laws won't magically make politicians have less power.
I therefore support good laws.
I may well be in the group that has less; though it depends on a great deal (from whether we put in universal healthcare to how we fund the expenses we have). Looking at the wealth gap right now (where the top 1% own way more than the bottom 50%), more likely hit will be the people benefiting the most from exactly the increase in per-person productivity that makes MBI necessary.
It's not only the deaths from Polio, the deformities and disabilities were terrible and caused lifelong hell for the victims. Yes, it would be a great thing to eradicate Polio- not sure what's being done on that front, though.
It's being attempted, but there's significant resistance in some parts of the world.. mostly conspiracy theories though the Obama administration's use of the cover of vaccinations to track down Bin Lauden lends credence that may ultimately kill millions.
COVID is new, but with the current technology, if a vaccine is possible, I'm sure they'll find one. Until then, people need to stay away from each other in order to prevent spreading it.
Despite its higher mortality, this is effectively a cold (there are 7 corona viruses that infect people, and 4 of them we refer to as "the common cold").
How is that cold vaccine coming?
I suspect, at best, it will end up like the flu vaccine.. you hope to get the right strain.