Herbu, we can't really talk about easing restrictions until we understand the science. This is obviously a new vicious virus. Personally I don't think measures taken so far have been nearly restrictive enough.
We keep getting shocks and keep finding out this thing is worse then suspected.
There is now this very worrying development from South Korea.
This needs to be understood fast.
These are the possibilities.
1). Immunity is short and patients can become reinfected.
2). A variable number of patients and may be all can not clear the virus.
3). If those that can not clear the virus do they have a chronic viral infection like AIDS?
4). Is this a chronic relapsing infection in some or all?
Of these I fear 1 is the least likely.
The social and public health implications of the others is immense. It means we have to proceed with the utmost caution. So the implications are enormous. Are we going to have large numbers of chronically ill patients requiring chronic costly antivirals?
Then there is the further worrying development of the 30% at least cardiac involvement. In a webinar last week, an ICU physician from Bismark, described a 37 with very significant cardiac depression that was still present at discharge.
There is just so much we need to know before wide ranging loosening decisions can be made. One thing for sure, we can not loosen any screws in any community before we are well down the downside of the curve. There will likely be more peaks and the need for further restrictions. 2021 will continue to be a difficult year. Hopefully science can lead us into Churchill's "sunny uplands" some time in 2022. In the meantime we have to be very careful in how we proceed. Inviting infectious mayhem will not be an solution to the economy, but totally the reverse. The last thing we need is 'hunches' from you know who!