

Audioholic Spartan
Has anyone heard anything about results of the NIH clinical trial of remdesivir to treat COVID-19? So far, I cannot find anything online. The trial started back on February 25 and I find myself wondering if we would have heard something by now if the early signs are good? Perhaps it takes time to get enough patients that meet the criteria?

This is pure speculation on my part, but I find myself thinking that Anthony Fauci must have some access to the early results, and he probably wouldn't be quite so quick to rein in Trump if the early results had been exceptionally positive.

However, I have no personal experience with any of this so I don't know if it anything can be read into the lack of public results and Fauci's statements.

NBC News says results of the clinical trial won't be available until late April.

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Audioholic Ninja
Yes, I think that Remidisvir is the most promising drug to try. It was developed to fight Ebola, also a corona virus.
Are you asserting that Ebola is a coronavirus? I don't see any support for that statement.


Audioholic Spartan
So why don't you explain why secondary infections by bacteria is of no concern instead of :rolleyes:
I am not an expert on the matter. While the possibility may exist, I never heard of concomitant use of an antiviral with an antibiotic.


Audioholic Spartan
I am not an expert on the matter. While the possibility may exist, I never heard of concomitant use of an antiviral with an antibiotic.
I don't understand your answer to my question as to why secondary infections by bacteria is of no concern with respect to Covid-19.

I know I'm not an expert either, very far from it, really, which many posts in this excellent thread confirms. What I've been told over the decades, though, is that antibiotics is ineffective against viral infections but that antibiotics could be given when having secondary bacterial infection. Thus my post after reading your other post in response to @mtrycrafts as Azithromycin is an antibiotic.

Am I misremembering and just have a mild case of the Dunning-Kruger syndrome?


Audioholic Samurai
Hard to do when people laugh and hope Trump and his family get the virus.
I did laugh at his stupidity and at the other people who attended the event but not hope that Trump dies. Pence is a bigger moron than he is.

One moron at a time, that's all I can handle.
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Audioholic Samurai
According to NPR, the remdesivir clinical trial is still gearing up, but there have been 250 cases in which it was used via the compassionate use program.

I guess we will just have to wait and see how this develops.

>>>The National Institutes of Health's remdesivir clinical trial is taking place at sites around the United States. At Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, it began this week, says epidemiologist Rajesh Gandhi, who is leading the hospital's COVID-19 treatment taskforce. . . .

The FDA and Gilead are also granting access to the drug via "compassionate use" programs. Compassionate use is when patients are allowed to get unapproved, experimental medicine outside of clinical trials. The FDA says it has granted this sort of access to remdesivir to about 250 patients already.<<<



Audioholic Jedi
FWIW I did say I was disappointed drumphy didn't catch it when exposed....just figured that would make the problem real to him/his family and perhaps spark some compassion and action compared to what he's been doing.


Audioholic Spartan
I don't understand your answer to my question as to why secondary infections by bacteria is of no concern with respect to Covid-19.
I never said that any secondary bacterial infection if it occurs is of no concern. You misread my comment.


Audioholic Spartan
I never said that any secondary bacterial infection if it occurs is of no concern. You misread my comment.
No, I did not misread your comment as you didn't even answer my question in response to your snarky post, though I left an opening for you to expand your answer in my reply. You still can.


Seriously, I have no life.
I thought perhaps the antibiotics was helping against secondary infections by bacteria.
That is what I am thinking hence my question of people in the know as apparently many if not all who died had pneumonia and that caused sepsis that destroyed organs. Can that pneumonia be aggressively be treated hoping to stave off organ failures?


Seriously, I have no life.
I thought the virus would rather kill the bacteria.:rolleyes:
Then how can pneumonia get started, create sepsis, and organ failures follow? I have no clue but if pneumonia can get a beached in a person for sepsis to destroy organs then I would think fighting that pneumonia right up front when people have fever would help a lot?


Audioholic Samurai
Hopefully this test is accurate and widely available soon:

>>>The FDA has authorized its first rapid, point-of-care diagnostic for the novel coronavirus—allowing physicians in hospitals, clinics and emergency rooms to test a sample for the disease in about 45 minutes.

Developed by Cepheid, the test is built to run on its automated GeneXpert hardware, with more than 23,000 tabletop systems installed worldwide and over 5,000 in the U.S., according to the company. . . .

With the FDA's emergency use authorization in hand, the company said it plans to begin shipping the test this week, and is concurrently pursuing its approval in Europe.<<<



Audioholic Spartan
We do not yet see that type of decimation here!
I suspect the answer to your question is simply that Mexico and Central America do not have as much physical communication with Europe and China as the US does. Travel takes money and these are poor countries.
Unfortunately, I suspect their day is coming. If they are fortunate, perhaps the delayed spread to their country will allow for some improved remedies or at least, improved protocols for preventing spread!

Plus, countries like Mexico don't have the same - already inadequate - testing capacity that more affluent countries. They may have a much worse problem - they just don't k ow it yet.


Audioholic Warlord
Has anyone heard anything about results of the NIH clinical trial of remdesivir to treat COVID-19? So far, I cannot find anything online. The trial started back on February 25 and I find myself wondering if we would have heard something by now if the early signs are good? Perhaps it takes time to get enough patients that meet the criteria?
Go to and search for remdesivir. I found this list of 9 trials:

These are large trials and are just beginning. I only did a quick read, but I think it's too early for any results. Individual trials with links appear below:

A Phase 3 Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety and Antiviral Activity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants With Severe COVID-19
Started 6 March 2020
Will enroll 400 patients
Expected to end by May 2020

A Phase 3 Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety and Antiviral Activity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants With Moderate COVID-19 Compared to Standard of Care Treatment
Started 15 March 2020
will enroll 600 patients
Expected to end by May 2020

A Multicenter, Adaptive, Randomized Blinded Controlled Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Investigational Therapeutics for the Treatment of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Adults
Started 15 Feb 2020
Will enroll 394 patients
Expected to end by 1 April 2020

Multi-centre, Adaptive, Randomized Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Treatments of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Adults
Started March 2020
Will enroll 3200 patients
Expected to end by March 2023

Adverse Events Related to Treatments Used Against Coronavirus Disease 2019
Started 17 March 2020
Will enroll 1000 patients
Expected to end by 1 January 2021


Audioholic Spartan
No, I did not misread your comment as you didn't even answer my question in response to your snarky post, though I left an opening for you to expand your answer in my reply. You still can.
Which snarky post?

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