

Audioholics Master Chief
My Survivial Guide to COVID-19:



Thank you for sharing your experiences here, and on YouTube. We're all praying for you and can't wait for you to get back to 100%. I'm sure your physical conditioning has been of great benefit. Hang in there!


Audioholic Samurai
The company from which I retired has a number of mfg plants in China... one in Hunan. That mfg plant had 2, (two), people with Corona. Both recovered without issue. Outside of Hunan, many/most people are generally restricting themselves to home for 6 weeks. This from friends who live there. So while lots of numbers from lots of sources are circulating, not all situations are as bad as you may think. Not poopooing anybody. Just saying there are positive stories along with the worst case stories. But worst case stories always get the publicity.


Seriously, I have no life.
"The proportion of ICU admissions represents 12% of the total positive cases, and 16% of all hospitalized patients. This rate is higher than what was reported from China, where only 5% of patients who tested positive for COVID-19 required ICU admission.2,4 There could be different explanations. It is possible that criteria for ICU admission were different between the countries, but this seems unlikely. Another explanation is that the Italian population is different from the Chinese population, with predisposing factors such as race, age, and comorbidities."

I still really want to read what you read. Can you remember where you read those figures?
I wonder if this difference has to do with the Chinese hospitals allowing some patients and not others, based on criteria we don't know about.


Seriously, I have no life.
I went to a grocery store yesterday to buy food, but not to overstock. Since we have many stores in the area, I'm not as concerned about availability as I would be if I lived where the population density was lower and when I got to the paper goods aisle, I saw that the right side was empty from the mid-point to the far end- this is where paper towels and toilet paper is located. I wasn't there to see how many packages were being bought but as I drove there, I thought about the mentality of hoarding these products- paper towels for extra cleaning, I can understand. Toilet paper is more difficult- if a person needs more one package of six rolls in a week, I'm pretty sure they'll be so dehydrated that a hospital visit would be necessary.

Being the curious type,. I occasionally listen to a police scanner app on my phone and last night, I heard a call about a woman whose husband had been admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 a few days ago and that she was exhibiting symptoms. That makes two cases within only a few miles from me, so I'll be avoiding crowded places for a while. Ironically, the most crowded places I have been to recently are grocery stores, where it's likely that hundreds of people touched the carts and baskets on a daily basis.
John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
I went to a grocery store yesterday to buy food, but not to overstock. Since we have many stores in the area, I'm not as concerned about availability as I would be if I lived where the population density was lower and when I got to the paper goods aisle, I saw that the right side was empty from the mid-point to the far end- this is where paper towels and toilet paper is located. I wasn't there to see how many packages were being bought but as I drove there, I thought about the mentality of hoarding these products- paper towels for extra cleaning, I can understand. Toilet paper is more difficult- if a person needs more one package of six rolls in a week, I'm pretty sure they'll be so dehydrated that a hospital visit would be necessary.

Being the curious type,. I occasionally listen to a police scanner app on my phone and last night, I heard a call about a woman whose husband had been admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 a few days ago and that she was exhibiting symptoms. That makes two cases within only a few miles from me, so I'll be avoiding crowded places for a while. Ironically, the most crowded places I have been to recently are grocery stores, where it's likely that hundreds of people touched the carts and baskets on a daily basis.
I went Friday evening to pick up pizza and ice cream for a date (though I am not too concerned, we agreed it was safer than having food served). The market was jam packed with no carts or hand baskets available, which was fine by me - I’ve long been in the habit of wiping those down because, in general, people are pretty gross. I had it in my mind to buy my date a small pack of TP in lieu of, say, flowers as a joke and I found the same as you: no TP or hand sanitizer, but plenty of hand soap!


Audioholic Samurai
I wonder if this difference has to do with the Chinese hospitals allowing some patients and not others, based on criteria we don't know about.
There's a lot we don't know right now.

And until all the nations, especially China, the European nations, Iran, Japan, South Korea, USA and the rest of the world work together in tandem to find out what the commonality of this virus is and come up with an effective treatment till a vaccine and/or a medication is available to minimize its impact, we're just working at cross-purposes, especially in these super-charged politicized and polarized times.

Nature 1, World 0.


Seriously, I have no life.
My Survivial Guide to COVID-19:
I, and I think all of us, really appreciate you detailing your experiences with this illness. A report of a case is really crucial. I tend to believe you are a pretty run of the mill case for this illness. I know the press were a bit of a "pest" but you provided a very useful public service. I feel, and severely hope you are now at the end of this and that your wife remains free of it.

You are now moving on to become one of those very precious 'rods in the nuclear reactor' I was talking about. Unfortunately these are only bought the hard way at present, instead of just a prick in the arm!

As I'm sure you realize the curse of this whole thing, is that though serious and critical cases are way in the minority. However, whatever the actual number they are numerous enough they are the face and fear of this pandemic. It is undeniable that there are enough of these cases to overwhelm costly, scarce and highly sophisticated ICU resources, in beds, personal and software. That is the essence and core of the problem.

Our governor in Minnesota is going to speak at 10:00 AM this morning. An inventory has been done of Minnesota medical facilities and it shows the issue I'm talking about.

We have a total of 450 ventilators in the Twin Cities metro it has been announced today. The population of Twin Cities Metro is 3.28 million. So that is a ventilator for every 0.014 percent of the population. So you see why we have to really slow this down. So you can see the rush to build ventilators. I hope the measures I spoke of last night will be successful. I really hope it is, but I think I can be forgiven for have considerable reservations about the practicality. At this time the metro only has 5.7% of its ICU beds open. So like other jurisdictions around the world somehow and someway more ICU beds have to be created, equipped and staffed pretty much immediately. How, I have no idea.

Now under serious consideration in the UK is self isolation of everyone over 70 for four months. Yes, four months. There is rational logic here as that age group are by far the most likely to need ICU care. As I have stated I am 73 years old with multiple risk factors for being in the severe and fatal column. My wife and I have been drawing back and just going out for groceries at non peak times. I have to go to the Mayo Clinic tomorrow. They have developed their own test. They have been screening patients and so far have come up with no positives, so I think I am reasonably safe to go.

Once we know there is community spread in the metro, I think my wife and I will begin self isolation.

Unfortunately our latest case in Minnesota is a teenager with a travel history. All non essential travel needs to be cut out now, and should have been done sooner in my view.

Anyhow enough of our problems, and again many thanks for putting a human face on this pandemic. Your recovery will boost the morale on all on this site.

While you have time on your hands please contribute often.

One thing we have in common are great AV rooms. I'm really blessed and fortunate as I have three great systems.

Lastly a site like this is likely to be a great way to avoid the worst of social isolation for those who choose, or have to have to self isolate. Your idea of a Steam Vent thread, will prove during this time to have been a stroke of brilliance, and an asset that could never have been imagined until now.


Seriously, I have no life.
There's a lot we don't know right now.

And until all the nations, especially China, the European nations, Iran, Japan, South Korea, USA and the rest of the world work together in tandem to find out what the commonality of this virus is and come up with an effective treatment till a vaccine and/or a medication is available to minimize its impact, we're just working at cross-purposes, especially in these super-charged politicized and polarized times.

Nature 1, World 0.
Not to start something, but governments lie and China hasn't always been known to trowel out the facts accurately, but I really hate the idea that they might not give out the truth when World health is at stake. However, I saw a video with a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman claiming that the US Army brought the virus to Wuhan. My first question- when was the US Army in China, at all?

I think that a database with info about each patients' possible location of infection should be compiled, if it's not already being done. For admin purposes, the name and specific locations would be needed, but for the general public, it could be helpful to know where they go on a regular basis, if they made physical contact with anyone, if they touched the proverbial doorknob (shopping cart, commonly used phone....), etc.

As I drove to one of the stores yesterday, I ate some almonds and inhaled a small piece that caused me to cough. I was walking toward the Yogurt case and had to cough (once) again- I think I heard screeching from the guy's shoes as he turned away from me.
John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
Not to start something, but governments lie and China hasn't always been known to trowel out the facts accurately, but I really hate the idea that they might not give out the truth when World health is at stake. However, I saw a video with a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman claiming that the US Army brought the virus to Wuhan. My first question- when was the US Army in China, at all?

I think that a database with info about each patients' possible location of infection should be compiled, if it's not already being done. For admin purposes, the name and specific locations would be needed, but for the general public, it could be helpful to know where they go on a regular basis, if they made physical contact with anyone, if they touched the proverbial doorknob (shopping cart, commonly used phone....), etc.

As I drove to one of the stores yesterday, I ate some almonds and inhaled a small piece that caused me to cough. I was walking toward the Yogurt case and had to cough (once) again- I think I heard screeching from the guy's shoes as he turned away from me.
An easy to use guide for traversing new Coronavirus norms:


Audioholic Samurai
Not to start something, but governments lie and China hasn't always been known to trowel out the facts accurately, but I really hate the idea that they might not give out the truth when World health is at stake. However, I saw a video with a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman claiming that the US Army brought the virus to Wuhan. My first question- when was the US Army in China, at all?

I think that a database with info about each patients' possible location of infection should be compiled, if it's not already being done. For admin purposes, the name and specific locations would be needed, but for the general public, it could be helpful to know where they go on a regular basis, if they made physical contact with anyone, if they touched the proverbial doorknob (shopping cart, commonly used phone....), etc.
You'll get no argument out of me and to a far lesser extent we're just as bad; our own political leadership is nothing to write home about.

And it's the politicization of this virus that will prolong a so-called cure. Valuable time is being lost and more importantly, lives.


Audioholic Samurai
I, and I think all of us, really appreciate you detailing your experiences with this illness. A report of a case is really crucial.
"Crucial" because there aren't many of them here. Just a reminder. Maybe Billy was right. "It depends on what your definition of "is" is."


Seriously, I have no life.
You'll get no argument out of me and to a far lesser extent we're just as bad; our own political leadership is nothing to write home about.

And it's the politicization of this virus that will prolong a so-called cure. Valuable time is being lost and more importantly, lives.
I wasn't letting our government off, in any way.


Audioholic Spartan
What a mess! DHS is creating COVID19 incubation areas in US airports in customs lines:



Audioholic Chief
Anecdotal reports of folks in China hospitalized for this, recovering and testing negative who were discharged and then reinfected in a short time frame. Accuracy of the reports is unclear, and the ability of the test to detect low level viral loads is also not known. But the immunity concept may not work as well as we hoped.

Meanwhile I'm on call reading x rays this weekend. Hospitals in my area, I cover eight on the weekend with others, are noticeably slower with people staying home and out of trouble. Just a few x rays for covid suspects.


Audioholic Chief
Meanwhile at work in a university hospital we are implementing some measures in radiology to try to avoid what we can. Some will work from home if they can. Our subspecialty reading rooms (abdominal, neuro, bone, chest, mammo) are going to be mixed up so if it gets into one room at least a whole section won't be taken out. We are trying to limit the covid patients to portable chest xrays and ultrasound on dedicated units. Any CT is done at the end of the day with the room closed for two hours for cleaning afterward. No MRI for them, they don't need it.

We are getting great advice from one of our colleagues who was in Singapore during SARS where it was truly awful and they learned a lot from that. Some may find this interesting.

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Audioholic Chief
For those who like pictures here is a typical CT of these patients. This seems to be the characteristic pattern but it is similar to other viral pneumonias and entities like eosinophilic pneumonia.



Speaker of the House
Staff member
Once we know there is community spread in the metro, I think my wife and I will begin self isolation.
Uh isn't it too late to begin self-isolation at that point since many people will have it but not realize it? Don't you want to start isolating before confirmed cases start popping up in your area?


Seriously, I have no life.
Uh isn't it too late to begin self-isolation at that point since many people will have it but not realize it? Don't you want to start isolating before confirmed cases start popping up in your area?
Well we have to get in provisions. Isolation requires careful planning. Also I have to go to Mayo tomorrow. They refused to do phone or telemedicine. My wife has to see her foot surgeon on Tuesday and get her stitches out from her total left foot reconstruction. Then I do have another appointment at Mayo on Wednesday, but I will discuss that issue with them tomorrow. I fully expect this whole situation will actually delay the treatment of my prostate cancer for some time, or at least limit my options for treatment. After that though, we will start true isolation. However I would say we have been very careful and it has not been business as usual here in this house.

My daughter in law is a CPA with accounts in California, she came back from there about 12 days ago now. She has congestion and sore throat that started Friday. So they are under isolation, including my son and his three children. She apparently does not qualify to be tested! There are still nowhere near enough tests available. We delivered food to them yesterday and left it outside their front door.

Our eldest grandson age 19, has severe combined immune deficiency syndrome and is on IGG infusions weekly. These won't protect him form Covid 19 until there is herd immunity. His father is an insulin dependent diabetic since one year of age and now in his late forties, so he is very high risk.

My eldest son returned from the UK a week ago. He was in Haselmere where the UKs first community spread case occurred. He frequented a pub also used by that individual. He has another week of isolation at home left.

One of my nephews in England is a very high Quad from and ambush in Sri Lanka some years ago covering the civil war for Reuters. He still works for them, even though he can not feed himself. He is still in the military reserve, In fact he is on military duty as I write this.

So this family has a lot of concerns about this outbreak now and down the road.

We have 34 identified cases in Minnesota now up from 21 yesterday. So we are seeing the curve! No community spread identified yet, but I concede there almost certainly is.


Seriously, I have no life.
For those who like pictures here is a typical CT of these patients. This seems to be the characteristic pattern but it is similar to other viral pneumonias and entities like eosinophilic pneumonia.

View attachment 34666
Thanks Dan, you are close to the very front lines on this. Please keep us updated as time permits. Please feel free to PM me if you think that is warranted and don't want to information for general consumption.

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