Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
I think thats a smart decision, but I'm sorry to hear that you can't get a note restricting travel. The CDC did officially provide guidance that older adults should minimize travel, but I have heard from our local health department that they were not getting a lot of direct communication. I had to pass on some messages for them. I wonder if your doctors are simply not aware of the current recommendations?
I wonder the same thing. I figured I would give it a week or so to see if travel restrictions are implemented.
I called AMTRAK, the train tickets were non refundable. I mentioned Coronavirus and they immediately issued a refund.


Audioholic Slumlord
Likewise, think about how hard this is going to be on commercial movie theaters. Imagine being an producer or director or actor who has a movie set to release in the next couple months.
Those poor multi millionaires will only make tens of millions instead of hundreds of millions...

I know it goes a lot further and is more devastating than that I just couldn't resist.
Matthew J Poes

Matthew J Poes

Audioholic Chief
Staff member
I wonder the same thing. I figured I would give it a week or so to see if travel restrictions are implemented.
I called AMTRAK, the train tickets were non refundable. I mentioned Coronavirus and they immediately issued a refund.
Certainly the situation is evolving by the minute so I wouldn't be shocked if doctors are not always up on the changing advice. I need to be careful what I share here, but lets just say this particular recommendation was delayed from when it was originally supposed to be released.
Matthew J Poes

Matthew J Poes

Audioholic Chief
Staff member
Those poor multi millionaires will only make tens of millions instead of hundreds of millions...

I know it goes a lot further and is more devastating than that I just couldn't resist.
Oh no, this is good for them. Don't get it wrong. I mean look, I'm not rich, but I have investments beyond my retirement. I had been setting some cash to the side because the market was so high that it didn't make a lot of sense to keep buying stocks. As soon as the market plunged I started buying airline and banking stocks. These crashes make people rich. It's as old as man that many wealth disparities have their origins in tragedy. I was watching a show about the Lancaster Dutchy and noted that the original wealth and land associated with that was the result of war plundering. Before it was part of the crown, the Duke of Lancaster was one of the wealthiest dukes around and the money came from war. The same happened with industrialists at the turn of the last century and then through WWII. Now its housing market and COVID-19 crashes.

We should all be investing in Georgia Pacific apparently.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Those poor multi millionaires will only make tens of millions instead of hundreds of millions...

I know it goes a lot further and is more devastating than that I just couldn't resist.
I don't care about the pocketbooks of rich people, but look at it this way: if there is a film maker whose work that you enjoy whose movie is doomed to a poor financial return because of this pandemic, that limits their future opportunities for making more movies, regardless of the cause of prior financial failure. This disease sucks for both film makers and film goers.


Audioholic Spartan
As far as containment goes well the cat may already be out of the bag. Let's hope not. Its starting to look like a Robin Cook novel. :(


Audioholic Samurai
I don't care about the pocketbooks of rich people, but look at it this way: if there is a film maker whose work that you enjoy whose movie is doomed to a poor financial return because of this pandemic, that limits their future opportunities for making more movies, regardless of the cause of prior financial failure. This disease sucks for both film makers and film goers.
More than likely a lot of these movies scheduled to come to theaters will be fast-tracked to pay-for view and streaming video services to recoup what they can.
Matthew J Poes

Matthew J Poes

Audioholic Chief
Staff member
As far as containment goes well the cat may already be out of the bag. Let's hope not. Its starting to look like a Robin Cook novel. :(
This is what "flattening the curve" is about. Containment is impossible but reducing the spread is still needed.

Hopefully this helps explain it.
Matthew J Poes

Matthew J Poes

Audioholic Chief
Staff member
More than likely a lot of these movies scheduled to come to theaters will be fast-tracked to pay-for view and streaming video services to recoup what they can.
I thought I read or heard something about some big blockbuster movies being pushed to a later release date to get around this.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
I thought I read or heard something about some big blockbuster movies being pushed to a later release date to get around this.
The new James Bond movie has been pushed back to fall. Of all the movies coming out in the near future, the only one I am interested in is the new Christopher Nolan one, 'Tenet.' Maybe if all the tentpole movies get pushed up to a release later in the year, there will be a glut of big budget movies in the fall or winter. Just so long as they don't interfere with the success of the new 'Dune' movie...
Matthew J Poes

Matthew J Poes

Audioholic Chief
Staff member
The new James Bond movie has been pushed back to fall. Of all the movies coming out in the near future, the only one I am interested in is the new Christopher Nolan one, 'Tenet.' Maybe if all the tentpole movies get pushed up to a release later in the year, there will be a glut of big budget movies in the fall or winter. Just so long as they don't interfere with the success of the new 'Dune' movie...
We need to get going with the Dune retheming of my theater! That's going to be cool again.

Cain Galata

Thx, the hospital said I don't have pneumonia but my chest is pretty tight. I've been doing nebulizer treatments and taking caugh suppressants. I will call the gym tomorrow to let them know. thanks.

Went to the gym?? Oh no!!!!! Yikes!!!

Get well!
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
Went to the gym?? Oh no!!!!! Yikes!!!

Get well!
Get well Gene. I went to the gym last Saturday at 6:30am. I walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes then left. My gym is very clean, but I got paranoid.


Audioholic Spartan
For a lot of people who don't get exposed to the SUN'S Vitamin D, it's very likely that their Vit. D level is rather low and that would make their immune system not as strong to fight against any virus or bacteria that is trying to invade them. In my opinion, this the case for most North Americans who don't have access to a beach or other way to get exposed to the Sun's rays. Exposing only our head and arms is not enough to get a good exposition to the benefits of that important vitamin.

There are many books on the market that give information on that wonderful vitamin. When I was young, my mother used to give me Cod Liver OIl which contains this vitamin, but we didn't know exactly why we had to consume it.

This vitamin is available in the form of capsules and the D3 form is the one to consume. Years ago, vitamin D supplements came with a daily recommended limit of 800-1000 IU. Now, we know that we can safely take up to 5000 IU daily. Personally, I consume over 3000 IU daily in winter and reduce my consumption in other seasons. I don't remember when I had my last flu attack.


Seriously, I have no life.
Gene, I am :rolleyes: that your visitors from China would not know what was going around that came from China and continued to make people contacts. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Field Marshall
had to delete picture. anyway... up to 4 cases being tested at local hospital.


Audioholic Warlord
Now is a good time to recognize the people who work in the Public Health departments of our States, Counties, and Cities. They have been and are now very busy people. Their efforts may save thousands of lives this spring. I didn't know @Matthew J Poes works in this field. So, I salute you.


Audioholic Samurai
I'm curious what the doctors here (or anyone else with some expertise) think about this:

Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown

Matthew J Poes

Matthew J Poes

Audioholic Chief
Staff member
Now is a good time to recognize the people who work in the Public Health departments of our States, Counties, and Cities. They have been and are now very busy people. Their efforts may save thousands of lives this spring. I didn't know @Matthew J Poes works in this field. So, I salute you.
oh thanks but I don’t want to overstate. I’m a human development and research design expert. Not really public health. It’s just that the work I do was subsumed under public health broadly because improving our early experiences and making sure families have their needs met improves their health outcomes. I work as distally To front line health workers as you can.

I do have a say in some policy decisions and when I can I do try to be sure the decisions we make are the safest and most well informed that they can be.
Matthew J Poes

Matthew J Poes

Audioholic Chief
Staff member
I'm curious what the doctors here (or anyone else with some expertise) think about this:

Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown

they are currently testing lots of repurposed drugs on Covid-19. At this time no drugs have been specifically studied for efficacy on COVID-19. What you mostly see are drugs proven effective for treating other viruses. Since many viruses might share similar treats, if the mechanism of action for a drug would hold true for both day Malaria and COVID-19, then it makes sense the drug could work on this new virus.

sadly you will hear a lot of stuff in the news suggesting these repurposed drugs are highly effective. I hate this because it makes people think that we are withholding drugs from people that work. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The studies in China are mostly in-situ studies. They often are not true clinical trials. So you hear them say they have the drug to 30 patients and 20 got better. Must work right? Well If the mortality rate is 3%, then I would actually expect more like 28-29 people would get better. of course the sample of 30 might have been really risky. Maybe it’s all individuals who are immunodeficient. Then I would expect 20-21 to get better naturally. So if that’s what they saw with the drug, how is it better?

to really know we need to randomize patients with the virus to a placebo and to a treatment. Then we can compare. In the China studies, they make comparisons against a non-random and thus not really comparable group. They are recommending these drugs but it’s unclear if there really is strong evidence of effectiveness or this is just desperation.

zinc reduces the length of a cold. Scientifically proven to reduce it in clinical trials. If taken early on you might be sick for, on average, about 1 day less. Woohoo.

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