Audioholic Spartan
So I've been really badly sick for the last 7-8 days, caughing, tight chest, diarrhea, chills, etc. I was getting better Saturday, went to the gym, and next day crashed again. I got a call Monday from a gentlemen who visited me with his business partner to discuss potential sponsorship of the new Audioholics Smart Home Project. He informed me the gentlemen and his wife were admitted to the ICU and tested positive for coronavirus. I went to the local hospital yesterday where they tested and poked me for 5 hours. I had no flu, no strep, no pneumonia but they just called me tonight to inform me I am positive with Coronavirus and have to be quarantined for 14 days or longer until I am cleared. This is really a miserable experience and I caution anyone to NOT shake hands or allow visits who have traveled outside the USA until this thing is under control. If I knew this guy was in China the week prior to his visit on Feb 28th, I would have never let him in my home.
Well, that's a drag. Hope your recovery is quick, Gene.
John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
So I've been really badly sick for the last 7-8 days, caughing, tight chest, diarrhea, chills, etc. I was getting better Saturday, went to the gym, and next day crashed again. I got a call Monday from a gentlemen who visited me with his business partner to discuss potential sponsorship of the new Audioholics Smart Home Project. He informed me the gentlemen and his wife were admitted to the ICU and tested positive for coronavirus. I went to the local hospital yesterday where they tested and poked me for 5 hours. I had no flu, no strep, no pneumonia but they just called me tonight to inform me I am positive with Coronavirus and have to be quarantined for 14 days or longer until I am cleared. This is really a miserable experience and I caution anyone to NOT shake hands or allow visits who have traveled outside the USA until this thing is under control. If I knew this guy was in China the week prior to his visit on Feb 28th, I would have never let him in my home.
Godspeed and good health to you Gene.


Audioholic Samurai
Well this was unexpected.

This really brings it home Gene. God-speed in your recovery.

I'll get the missus to start praying ... they're close ... for you. I'd make a call to the Big Guy, but I keep getting a busy signal. :p

Get well .. soon.



All the best and I hope you feel better. I know the COVID-19 is a tough bug to shake. I have a few friends in China dealing with family members that are sick. The good news is you are strong and young. Flush you body with fluids and be careful coughing too hard or often. Keep us posted if you need anything. We can a;ways deliver Panera Bread chicken soup to your house.


Audioholic Chief
Best wishes Gene. As the other doc here, I completely agree with TLS. At the least sign of shortness of breath or chest pain RUN don't walk to the nearest tertiary care center, especially one with a large ICU. This virus has a way of going from mild to bad very quickly and you don't want to be caught too far away from decent care. And that doesn't mean some small community hospital. Get a mask to protect others from you during the ride in.

I think your guests were highly irresponsible in the extreme. Something to consider before going into a business venture with them. Sounds like our rector patient who gave communion to hundreds while he had it.


Audioholic Warlord

Please take good care of yourself. And get well soon!

And if your doctor hasn't pestered you about this, it's time to start getting yearly influenza vaccine shots. And maybe the two pneumonia vaccines as well.


Audioholic Spartan
Gene, holly molly, just reading this now. Wishing a best for your recovery soon. I'm Florida now, normally go to gyms when I travel, not now.....


Audioholic Samurai
Gene, hang in there. If possible, please post updates from time to time to let us know how you're doing.


Audioholic Warlord
I just got back from a trip to Costco. Ugh. I've never seen crowds so bad, and I got there soon after it opened. I couldn't believe the number of people buying several pallets of bottled water and multiple large packages of toilet paper.

The lines for the cash registers went to the back of the store. And the shoppers were the rudest bunch I've ever seen. Competitive panic seemed to rule them. Traffic was needlessly snarled up by people trying to exit the parking lot. Nuff said, I won't go into detail – I won't go back there anytime soon.

I only saw a small handful of people wearing face masks, maybe as many as 4 or 5. All wore simple face masks, not the N95 type, and all were on older Asian women. Their husbands, if they were there too, did not wear any masks. I didn't see anyone wearing rubber or plastic gloves.

Kudos go to the Costco staff. They got people out the door as fast as possible.
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Audioholic Slumlord
So I've been really badly sick for the last 7-8 days, caughing, tight chest, diarrhea, chills, etc. I was getting better Saturday, went to the gym, and next day crashed again. I got a call Monday from a gentlemen who visited me with his business partner to discuss potential sponsorship of the new Audioholics Smart Home Project. He informed me the gentlemen and his wife were admitted to the ICU and tested positive for coronavirus. I went to the local hospital yesterday where they tested and poked me for 5 hours. I had no flu, no strep, no pneumonia but they just called me tonight to inform me I am positive with Coronavirus and have to be quarantined for 14 days or longer until I am cleared. This is really a miserable experience and I caution anyone to NOT shake hands or allow visits who have traveled outside the USA until this thing is under control. If I knew this guy was in China the week prior to his visit on Feb 28th, I would have never let him in my home.
Holy poop Gene, hang in there. Most of the folks that don't make it are generally compromised in some way (elderly, obese, smokers, etc). I think you'll pull through this, but wow. Sorry to hear about this man.

Joe Rogan put out a video yesterday where he interviews a virologist and they dig into it pretty good.

I haven't finished it yet, but Joe is doing a pretty good job with his questions.


Audioholic Spartan
And maybe the two pneumonia vaccines as well.
With the two pneumonia vaccines I understand you have to wait a year between the two shots. Very annoying, especially since my inept provider gave me the shots out of sequence (23 first; it's supposed to be 13 first). Given the threat with COVID-19 I wish I had both of them right now. I have to wait until May to get the second injection.


Audioholic Spartan
So, it's official now - the WHO is now calling this a pandemic.


Audioholic Samurai
With the two pneumonia vaccines I understand you have to wait a year between the two shots. Very annoying, especially since my inept provider gave me the shots out of sequence (23 first; it's supposed to be 13 first). Given the threat with COVID-19 I wish I had both of them right now. I have to wait until May to get the second injection.
Just came under the wire with my pneumonia shots, got the last one in November. I already have a compromised immune system to begin with, so I've been lucky since my specialists are very pro-active, especially my pulmonologist.

I'm house bound to a certain degree, which has always frustrated me, but now I find it to be a positive during these trying times.


Audioholic Warlord
With the two pneumonia vaccines I understand you have to wait a year between the two shots. Very annoying, especially since my inept provider gave me the shots out of sequence (23 first; it's supposed to be 13 first). Given the threat with COVID-19 I wish I had both of them right now. I have to wait until May to get the second injection.
Interesting, something I didn't know. I had the first vaccine, Pneumovax 23, a number of years ago, before the second one, Prevnar 13, became available.

There's probably a recommended dose & schedule for small children who need those vaccines, and it might be possible that adults at risk, or over 65, follow the same, or different, schedule. I'll have to look up those vaccine recommended schedules.

@gene – It is possible you won't need those pneumococcal vaccines now. After you recover, ask your doctor if you're now in that risk group.

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