

Audioholic Chief
Swerd: At the risk of being accused of gallows humor, I'll focus only on this:
Even an audiophile wannabe would have his hi-fi gear buried with him. A proper audiophile would use one of his massive speaker cabinets as a coffin.

Anything less than that, and we'll have to revoke your AH membership card :rolleyes:.

Thanks I guess that means I qualify! As my brother you will be responsible for planting me if I buy it from this virus. Yes you may use the Vandersteens as a coffin. Call it my dying wish.o_O:eek:
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Seriously, I have no life.
Thanks for providing the link to that report. It's certainly an interesting idea, that might work. Unfortunately those salt-treated surgical masks were tested against influenza virus particles, not Covid-19. Unless we have direct results, we cannot assume it will react the same as influenza did.
Yes, certainly true but it is almost free and easy even if it doesn't work in the end.
Just don't get too comfortable that it may work and get really exposed.


Seriously, I have no life.
... Worse he has the arrogance to think he has more understanding of the problem than the experts. ...That is why his handling of this will be almost certain disaster. ...
One just has to ask him, he knows more than the generals and everyone else. That is why he handed this off to Pence. ;)

It is almost a disaster already.


Audioholic Samurai
A lesson from the past, in Gunnison, CO, that might work for some non-urban communities and seems to be working for the Chinese in Wuhan.

A bit extreme to say the least but hey, we live in extremist times, so ...
Interesting. There was an opinion piece at nytimes.com on 2/28/20 about going medieval on the COVID-19 virus:

I doubt that the entire country could successfully go full medieval at this stage.

Drifting off topic, I ran across this article at the CDC website about the reconstruction of the 1918 virus:

Testing done using genetically altered versions of the 1918 virus showed why it was so lethal:

"Dr. Tumpey determined that the HA and PB1 virus genes of the virus played particularly important roles in its infectiousness and severity. However, as his experiments involving recombinant flu viruses with some but not all of the 1918 virus’s genes showed, it was not any single component of the 1918 virus but instead the unique combination of all of its genes together that made it so particularly dangerous."

It looks like the 1918 virus had an exceptionally unfortunate (from the perspective of us humans) combination of genes.


Audioholic Samurai
Interesting. There was an opinion piece at nytimes.com on 2/28/20 about going medieval on the COVID-19 virus:

I doubt that the entire country could successfully go full medieval at this stage.

Drifting off topic, I ran across this article at the CDC website about the reconstruction of the 1918 virus:

Testing done using genetically altered versions of the 1918 virus showed why it was so lethal:

"Dr. Tumpey determined that the HA and PB1 virus genes of the virus played particularly important roles in its infectiousness and severity. However, as his experiments involving recombinant flu viruses with some but not all of the 1918 virus’s genes showed, it was not any single component of the 1918 virus but instead the unique combination of all of its genes together that made it so particularly dangerous."

It looks like the 1918 virus had an exceptionally unfortunate (from the perspective of us humans) combination of genes.
The stats on lives lost (50 million) worldwide during that pandemic are mind bending, from reading that CDC article.

If you get a chance there was an excellent 1998 PBS documentary, Influenza 1918, a multi-part series, worth watching, to get some perspective how it impacted the US.
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Audioholic Spartan
Major sporting events are starting to be cancelled. That means loss of $$ so that means it is getting serious.


Audioholic Warlord
Thanks I guess that means I qualify! As my brother you will be responsible for planting me if I buy it from this virus. Yes you may use the Vandersteens as a coffin. Call it my dying wish.o_O
Sure. Anything you say…

How about an unfinished pine box for you, and I'll put up those Vandersteens on fleabay the same day.


Audioholic Warlord
Swerd: At the risk of being accused of gallows humor, I'll focus only on this:
Even an audiophile wannabe would have his hi-fi gear buried with him. A proper audiophile would use one of his massive speaker cabinets as a coffin.

Anything less than that, and we'll have to revoke your AH membership card :rolleyes:.

Thanks I guess that means I qualify! As my brother you will be responsible for planting me if I buy it from this virus. Yes you may use the Vandersteens as a coffin. Call it my dying wish.o_O:eek:
I wonder if this post would hold up in court as a will?

Sure. Anything you say…

How about an unfinished pine box for you, and I'll put up those Vandersteens on fleabay the same day.


Audioholics Master Chief
So I've been really badly sick for the last 7-8 days, caughing, tight chest, diarrhea, chills, etc. I was getting better Saturday, went to the gym, and next day crashed again. I got a call Monday from a gentlemen who visited me with his business partner to discuss potential sponsorship of the new Audioholics Smart Home Project. He informed me the gentlemen and his wife were admitted to the ICU and tested positive for coronavirus. I went to the local hospital yesterday where they tested and poked me for 5 hours. I had no flu, no strep, no pneumonia but they just called me tonight to inform me I am positive with Coronavirus and have to be quarantined for 14 days or longer until I am cleared. This is really a miserable experience and I caution anyone to NOT shake hands or allow visits who have traveled outside the USA until this thing is under control. If I knew this guy was in China the week prior to his visit on Feb 28th, I would have never let him in my home.


Audioholic Spartan
So I've been really badly sick for the last 7-8 days, caughing, tight chest, diarrhea, chills, etc. I was getting better Saturday, went to the gym, and next day crashed again. I got a call Monday from a gentlemen who visited me with his business partner to discuss potential sponsorship of the new Audioholics Smart Home Project. He informed me the gentlemen and his wife were admitted to the ICU and tested positive for coronavirus. I went to the local hospital yesterday where they tested and poked me for 5 hours. I had no flu, no strep, no pneumonia but they just called me tonight to inform me I am positive with Coronavirus and have to be quarantined for 14 days or longer until I am cleared. This is really a miserable experience and I caution anyone to NOT shake hands or allow visits who have traveled outside the USA until this thing is under control. If I knew this guy was in China the week prior to his visit on Feb 28th, I would have never let him in my home.
Sorry to hear about that. What's positive about you is that you're still young and you most likely have a strong immune system.

Take care of yourself and keep us posted about your prompt recovery without any sequelae, which members here, I'm sure about that, and myself wish you.
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Seriously, I have no life.
So I've been really badly sick for the last 7-8 days, caughing, tight chest, diarrhea, chills, etc. I was getting better Saturday, went to the gym, and next day crashed again. I got a call Monday from a gentlemen who visited me with his business partner to discuss potential sponsorship of the new Audioholics Smart Home Project. He informed me the gentlemen and his wife were admitted to the ICU and tested positive for coronavirus. I went to the local hospital yesterday where they tested and poked me for 5 hours. I had no flu, no strep, no pneumonia but they just called me tonight to inform me I am positive with Coronavirus and have to be quarantined for 14 days or longer until I am cleared. This is really a miserable experience and I caution anyone to NOT shake hands or allow visits who have traveled outside the USA until this thing is under control. If I knew this guy was in China the week prior to his visit on Feb 28th, I would have never let him in my home.
Gene, I'm really very sorry to hear this. I do hope you get better soon. If you should start getting even slightly short of breath, call 911 after calling ahead and go to a major hospital. I hope the local health authorities do careful testing at that gym and trace anyone who might have been exposed to you.

There is a lesson here for members. Anyone who has ANY type of upper or lower respiratory symptoms at this time has Corona virus Covid 19 infection until proved otherwise. If anyone of you get upper or lower respiratory symptoms demand to be tested for Coronavirus immediately even if you have to argue with a physician.

We have just had a case today in the metro, of a 30 year old man who developed symptoms at the end of last month. He was smart, the medical attendants were not. He went to be tested as he had been out of state and had contact with someone who had been abroad. He was not tested. Fortunately he self isolated. Now he is critical in an ICU.

I had a colorful colleague, who referred to these physicians as "those who were wrong more often than by chance!"

So please take care and be your strongest advocate if you have to be. I know all of us will want to wish you a speedy and complete recovery at what has to be an anxious time for you and your family.

Please let us know how you fair through all of this. I know all of us ill be thinking and sending our best wishes and concerns for you and your family.

The UK health minister has just come down with it, and has had contact with senior members of government, including the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.


Audioholic Spartan
Gene, are you a 46 year-old man in Pasco county? If so, you made the national news.


Audioholics Master Chief
Gene, I'm really very sorry to hear this. I do hope you get better soon. If you should start getting even slightly short of breath, call 911 after calling ahead and go to a major hospital. I hope the local health authorities do careful testing at that gym and trace anyone who might have been exposed to you.

There is a lesson here for members. Anyone who has ANY type of upper or lower respiratory symptoms at this time has Corona virus Covid 19 infection until proved otherwise. If anyone of you get upper or lower respiratory symptoms demand to be tested for Coronavirus immediately even if you have to argue with a physician.

We have just had a case today in the metro, of a 30 year old man who developed symptoms at the end of last month. He was smart, the medical attendants were not. He went to be tested as he had been out of state and had contact with someone who had been abroad. He was not tested. Fortunately he self isolated. Now he is critical in an ICU.

I had a colorful colleague, who referred to these physicians as "those who were wrong more often than by chance!"

So please take care and be your strongest advocate if you have to be. I know all of us will want to wish you a speedy and complete recovery at what has to be an anxious time for you and your family.

Please let us know how you fair through all of this. I know all of us ill be thinking and sending our best wishes and concerns for you and your family.

The UK health minister has just come down with it, and has had contact with senior members of government, including the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.
Thx, the hospital said I don't have pneumonia but my chest is pretty tight. I've been doing nebulizer treatments and taking caugh suppressants. I will call the gym tomorrow to let them know. thanks.


Audioholic Spartan
I'll tell you this, your case made this virus real for me. I stopped my wife from getting on a plane to Boston tomorrow morning, and now I need to keep her out of crowded gatherings. She a popular musician in town, and we already had a "discussion" about her needing to take this seriously. I lost so far. My kids are no better. I talked my daughter out of Japan recently, but now she's planning a domestic trip. My son has two domestic trips on his calendar over the next few weeks. Tomorrow morning they're all about to get a dose of Dad.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Holy f*** that's sobering news to wake up to. :oops: Be well, Gene. We're all pulling for you.

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