So Red, since it is so close, what are your plans, what are you going to do?
I already bought enough masks/gloves/safety glasses for my family and close friends a month ago. I have a two month supply of food and other essentials. I am pulling my kids from day care.
Construction is slow right for me right now; we're waiting on permits. I'm finishing three punch lists on sold houses, and finishing up the final inspections on another house. I normally build between 6-10 houses at time, but by the beginning of April, I will be waiting on half a dozen permits, so I have plenty of time to take of my kids.
Pocket hand sanitizer, tissues to touch door knobs.
I have a thermometer. I have an oximeter.
I will be cleaning any groceries. I will not eat out. No salads.
Shoes will remain outside. Floors must cleaned every day.
With any luck my wife will be able to work from home instead of going to her job at cardio clinic. If she get's called to ICU, I have tarps to isolate her from the rest of the house. I also have a plan to quarantine either myself or my wife in a spare bedroom, if either of us get sick. One of my biggest concerns is continuity of parenting. I am really trying to avoid both of us getting sick at the same time.