It matters little whether a new construction home is better or worse than a 100 year home.
The point I'm making is they are building new homes (lots of them) and not taking advantage of a built in opportunity....the model home should have a nice surround sound/atmos, system.
I view this as an opportunity missed...not a cure all.
I agree, lots of missed opportunities. And what really gets me, is the whole disgusting cliche of “big screen over the fireplace”. I hate that poop. And I hate WAF too. It’s stupid. My opinion is this. I LIVE HERE TOO!!! So why do I have to cower with my tail between my legs and put up a soundbar because my wife doesn’t like my monkey coffins? We always discuss these things and come to a common ground.
I kinda mentioned it before, but I think the answer to the original question is yes, it has been a step forward. Sure, some of the content is weak, and some people don’t have awesome setups, or their old setup was super awesome etc, but IMO it’s far more advanced than 5/7.1. My biggest problem with it is that guys like Nolan, and mixers who don’t know what they’re doing are barfing out mixes that do nothing to showcase the format. So you could say Atmos has failed on its promise, but really it’s not the format as much as those involve and NOT using their power to create content.
And why the Fukk are we talking about 2ch? Btw even TLS guy like DSU for music.
2channel lover, this whole post wasn’t for you btw, lol. Just agreeing that there are a lot of missed opportunities. The big thing is there has to be interest. Personally I couldn’t care less if joe blow doesn’t wanna deal with speakers and wires and his wife. His ignorance can be his own bliss. Kiss my Atmos!!!
Yes, I’ll probably edit or delete this once my coffee kicks in...