I guess a few more..?
Then stop picking them up for free. It doesn't matter how hard it is to do, the answers you're going to get here are not going to change. I'll save you a little time and effort for tomorrow. If it was no last month, no again last week and no once again yesterday... tomorrow when you come here to ask us the same damned question... again... the answer... will still be... NO. No it is not worth trying to fix, use replace, move or anything else (except for a death ray). It is NOT WORTH IT. Not now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, not ever. Not worth it. Piece of junk.
We don't know why you have it, why you got it, how you got it, nor do we care how pissed your mom is, how many you have, how big it is, how heavy it is, whether it has lines in the picture or if you stole it from aliens. This is a big boy problem and I assume you're a big boy so you're gonna have to figure something out on your own here. This is not an insurmountable problem if one puts some effort into it.
You know, I think what kills us the most is, you keep complaining about having all this junk you can't do anything with then 15 minutes later you post images of more junk and wanna know if you should go get it. C'mon man. What's your deal? What, exactly, is going on with you? You bored? Comprehension issues? Be real. Help us understand where your heads at. What's up?