This could be a good example to show why people should avoid the "all amps sound the same" kind of blanket statements, as for it to be true or true to some extents, it would require some qualifications, such as used far below its limit...etc..
The VSX-1019AHK appears to have a very small power supply, and probably a chip amp (not necessarily bad). If you use it with truly 8 ohm nominal, or minimum better still and 90 dB/2.83V/1m speakers and distance of less than 10 ft you may be fine with volume at -15 listening to two channel music, otherwise I can see how it could fall apart on you depending on your speakers characteristics and seating distance.
Take a look of the lab measurements.
It did indicate it could do 134 W into 4 ohms at 0.1% THD, but that's two channel, 1 kHz. THD may ramp up rapidly at dips of below 4 ohms at some frequencies in the mid bass range at higher volume.