Sorry, I did remember you have the 205, it was my typo.. If you do get close to reference level, imo a pair of bridged AHB2 is a good idea, because that amp's distortion vs output curve has a very sharp knee point, shots straight up not much pass that point. I wonder if it is a characteristics of its SMPS.
I watched Aquaman 4K UHD with the XMC-1 at -20, typically, I would watch it at -25.
This title has full range bass in the mains and serious bass in all channels.
During the kraken scene (chapter 12, I think), the Salon2 woofers (not bass managed) were really moving.
Not once did the clip indicators light.
I am a big believer in the first watt and for the fun of it I measured some typical listening levels on the XMC-1.
At -37, the 1.45 volts. At -31, 2.82 volts. I have a Radio Shack meter and several mics and will be measuring the SPL at my seated position obtain better estimates for power requirements. I have played bass heavy pop music tracks record right up to digital clipping, and the volume is sufficient for my needs.
Benchmark uses an FPGA (for protection) that are not in the signal chain and, from other forums, it appears conservative but does not limit.
The tightly regulated SMPS is not going to have the headroom off a non-regulated linear power supply.
The specs state 29A peak current so that may give a better indication of dynamic power. What does that indicate for watts, say into 4 Ohms?
BTW, there were some posts Audiosciencereview that Revel Performa 228be, due to impedance and phase angle provide a load equivalent to 2.8 Ohms.
That looks to be not a suitable load for an AVR. Even though, the AVR and benchmark both are spec'ed with similar power into 8 (and possibly) 4 Ohms.
BTW, I also was testing the Benchmark LA-4 compared to the XMC-1 (fully balanced) analog inputs and the LA-4 does improve the clarity that is audible on some tracks.
The connection were:
Oppo UPD-205 XLR -> XMC-1 XLR -> LA-4 (Fixed gain) -> AHB2
Oppo UPD-205 XLR --> LA-4 (Variable gain) -> AHB2
The LA-4 was used to instantly switch inputs with volumes leveled.
The difference is not earth shattering but worthwhile (IMO) for those that listen to 2-channel music without bass-management. I suppose that is a small population.
It is interesting because when we listen to a component there is the DSP, DAC, and volume control implementation in the chain and most of these are not measured at different volume levels, especially the levels that we commonly listen.
- Rich