I upgraded my old Macbook Pro with a 512GB SSD and took it and my Presonus (for maximum accuracy) along with my UMIK-1 on a trip downstairs last night. I took 2ch and 6ch matrixed reference measurements for stereo mode from all six seats for both left and right channels. I also took reference, flat and off measurements for the mlp in both true 2ch (plus sub) and 6ch matrixed stereo (uses wides and front heights with active mixing, the heights to raise the soundstage for a dialog lift effect.
Finally, I also took stereo measurements (as in both channels at the same time) to see how they integrated at the MLP.
The readings weren't as good as the upstairs (might need some bass traps). The MLP wasn't terrible (closest to the natural upstairs results) , but it was pretty obvious that Audyssey isn't quite what it's cracked up to be and obvious why many prefer to limit it to the Schroeder region. It's biggest benefits were in the bass region. Moving the mic even a few inches could alter the response significantly at higher frequencies so I don't know how much stock I'd put into those readings anyway.
Otherwise, it pretty much confirmed what my ears heard in terms of the front left and second row center sounding pretty good (not too far off the map response). The front right sounds like mega bass and the graph confirms it's got quite a rise there (OTOH some like that seat best, probably because they dig extra bass).
The back seat was surprising. I thought I needed a second sub to even things out, but the graph suggests the strongest relative bass curve is back there and the overall response curve besides that isn't anywhere near as bad as I suspected, but the volume level other than bass is down 8dB by then, making it just sound weak. It's down 4dB in the second row which is more manageable (dialog increase or lower bass I have cranked anyway and just raise master volume a few dB, which also helps the back, but it's still off).
I'm not sure why the volume falls off so rapidly in just 20 feet, but I suspect the narrow room is doing some reflecting/canceling plus it would probably help to put the chairs on mini-risers as well. Clearly, one or even two rows (especially closer spaced as my second row is back more from the first than the third) is easier to get more consistent / even sound than three, but then that chair isn't used much (screen looks much smaller as well).
It's fine for football games, etc. And that's just 2-channel playback. It's closer to surround speakers and thus they're louder than the front. I don't know how you could even such a setup out. Speakers would need to be further away from all seats. If you could pass mono directional dialog, etc through side surrounds at a lower volume to increase volume for rows further back that would probably help, but you'd no longer be discrete. I've never heard of a home system capable of such a thing anyway.
I can post some graphs when I get home, but there are so many, I'd have to be pretty selective.. The waterfall/spectrographs show the room modes. The rest just show what I described.