What's the meaning of that?
Our system has a high (99dB) sensitivity, which allows you to connect to it even a 10-watt tube amplifier and it will play beautifully. But the acoustics reveal the nature of the sound of each amplifier so much that the difference between the three tube amplifiers (our models), which were at the disposal of sound engineers, is very noticeable.
I emphasize that we are not talking about the quality of sound (all copies have shown themselves very worthy), it's in the musical preferences of the future owner. For example, on the "small" (16w) amplifier created a sense of intimacy of sound when the sound literally gives an atmosphere of comfort, privacy, warmth.
On "average" (35W) - amplifier acoustics seemed to have changed: expanded the stage, increased detail, quick and clear bass, the sound speed and detail was similar to a transistor amplifier, while maintaining the entire tube-like warmth. But that feeling of intimacy of the sound was not (maybe the majority don't need it).
On "the most powerful" (70W) amplifier acoustics has shown simply frightening realism vocal and super emotional energy. All the emotions of the performers began to be felt so vividly that it seemed we see a smile on the face of the performer, or feel the color of the vocalist's skin. Volume range from quiet to loud, like has expanded, speed and attack power has increased, which gives the sound an amazing emotionality and realism.
But such a focused bass, as in the previous amplifier was never the (bass is good, just where it was clearer), and the detail on the "middle" of the amplifier a little higher.
I note that it is not so much in the power of amplifiers, but also in the components from which they are assembled (lamps, iron, circuit).
And all these differences amplifiers PLK WAGNER exposes and reveals "without a trace".
Therefore: "This system requires careful selection of the amplifier for the aesthetics and needs of a particular listener."
The acoustics itself does not limit you in choosing the aesthetics of your sound, it can be any, but the amplifier really will largely determine the nature of the sound of Wagners, however, like any other acoustics of this class and such sensitivity.