Here is the original sales brochure.
Back in the day that original 800 series were pretty highly regarded.
My friend Phil owned the original 800s for many years. The 802s have an F3 of 55 Hz. The 800s around 40 Hz. I got to hear the 800s frequently. The Q of those speakers is 0.7, and I always thought that series had just a little bass ripple. That Kevlar mid always got into a little trouble at the top of its range. The head unit of the 802 and 800 where identical. So I'm very familiar with the sound.
One thing you should know is that I discovered that the 800s had a large capacitor in series with the woofer section. I think this was done as in those days there were a lot of amps around without DC off set protection from output transistor breakdown. So this cap blocked the DC in event of this type of amp failure. I discovered this as one of Phil's woofer sections stopped working. When I investigated the problem, I found the cap in the affected circuit to have failed and be totally open circuit. I removed these caps from both speakers, and I have to say I think that improved results.
I note that in the control room of the Berlin Philharmonic Digital Concert Hall the original B & W 800s are their monitor speakers. Their mixes and sound are excellent. Since I think you always mix to your speakers, that is at least an endorsement.
You probably do find these speakers to sound incredible and they should as they were a speaker that was relatively exotic in their day.
One other thing you should know is that the woofer cones are Bextrene. This is a plastic no longer produced. Bextrene cones can develop cracks with advancing age and can not be repaired. This has been particularly true of KEF Bextrene cones. Raymond Cooke was particularly fond of Bextrene as a cone material, although I always regarded it as somewhat colored.
In closing Phil was never entirely content with the sound of his 800s, even though he owned them for a significant period of time. He always liked to listen to the TLs in my studio, now my rear backs. However these were larger. They were dual TLs with a much deeper and more accurate bass response with an active crossover between the lines. So hardly a fair contest.