And this is very true: a good 2-way can beat a mediocre 3-way any day.
I think an important step is to
really define your goals when shopping for speakers, especially if your goal is a pair of '
forever' speakers, which you would be OK with if you could never find something better.

That's what I did.
I have my BMR's from Dennis/Philharmonic now, and Salk is finishing my Phil 3's. It is possible that I might never find better speakers to buy without spending a minimum of 2-3x the cost of these in any manner of upgrade. In a 5-channel setup, I will have the Phil 3s at L/R with Center and Surround BMRs.
If I had to redo my Phil 3 order, I would order from Salk for finished speakers, or buy the
Illuminismo kit from Selah Audio to build out myself. Those were really the only options, matching my goals, which I could find without caveat or significant additional expenditure. (Which isn't to say I wouldn't mind buying a pair of
Veracity HT3s or
SS8s from Salk: I simply can't afford it!)

Also, Russdawg is right in his comment about Ascend: for towers, they aren't "crush-it" big: 2ea 5-1/2" woofers where he maybe could've considered something bigger. For what they are, they should perform admirably, especially for music, and get loud enough, but then again...
This comes back to your goals:
% music to HT
critical music listening (active) or passive listening
preferred SPL
FR requirements/range
neutral or colored
(if you want: soundstage and imaging)