need recommendation



One more note- if you buy the Rf7s and change your mind a few years later, you need to sell them locally. UPS shipping for the set from GA to AZ was $500 as they are beautiful, monstrously large speakers.
little wing

little wing

Audioholic General
i cant believe im thinking about spending up to $5100 for speakers
i dont want the upgrade bug to hit again

for both movies and music front 3

been reading a lot and watching youtube reviews. lots of content on the klipsch but not so much on the ascend.

ascend towers with raal and horizon center with raal. approx $4300 with tax

or klipsch rf 7 iii and 64 center for approx $5100 if theres no tax shipped to cali

im going to assume both setups will sound awesome with both movies and music

room is approx 12x18, 8 ft ceilings
denon x3300
hsu vtf2 mk5 sub
surrounds ill deal with later
Have you had a chance to listen to the Ascends yet? I have had the Raal towers with the matching Horizon (David was actually kind enough to make a custom Horizon to fit under my TV) for about 4 years now. They are very good speakers IMO. Strong for both music and movies, but sometimes I feel like music is their strong suite. I cross the front 3 speakers over at 90hz and use a Rythmik sub for really good sound.

I'm using the Yamaha RX A3060 with the "Through" mode because I feel like they don't need Eq most of the time. Neutral speaker, with clean detailed highs but no fatigue. Bass is good from the dual 6 inch woofers but these speakers definitely benefit from a sub.

My room is about the same size as yours btw. Good luck with whatever you choose.

With the amount of money you have allotted for speakers, whether you go with Klipsch, Salk, Ascend, you should be able to get some great sounding speakers.
Last edited:


Same here started out back in the mid 70's with two speakers from radio shack, a 45 watt x 2 receive a turntable and a cassette deck. I've spent thousands on the hobby. Lol.. I regret letting my Carver amp go and two Emo monoblock amps go to. But now at my age of 60, knowing full well that can't take it with you when the end time comes I figured what the hell why not. I'll probably end up in some hospital dying with them trying to get the last dime out of me anyways.
My first speakers was Optimus. They had 18” woofer they had a horn loaded midrange and tweeter. I blew the woofer and retired them.

I’ll be watching this thread as we have the same amount more or less to spend.
Phase 2

Phase 2

Audioholic Chief
My first speakers was Optimus. They had 18” woofer they had a horn loaded midrange and tweeter. I blew the woofer and retired them.

I’ll be watching this thread as we have the same amount more or less to spend.
I had those to! around umm 1975
Back than no internet so Radioshack it was or Sears.


I had those to! around umm 1975
Back than no internet so Radioshack it was or Sears.
My mom worked a couple stores down from radio shack when I was young but I probably bought those in like 93ish through layaway. The high end shop was about a block away but I couldn’t afford the good stuff. I had an Optimus receiver and speakers thanks to layaway. That mid range horn was huge ... Klipsch heritage still has a similar speaker array I believe.

Edit apparently they was 15” woofers:


Full Audioholic
back in early 90s the best audio equipment for cars were rockford fosgate subs, kenwood or alpine radios you took out of the car so they wouldnt get stolen lol. man i remember those days.

after more thinking plus comments here i think i want 3 way speakers with midrange driver so that might rule out the klipsch rf 7iiis. i saw svs pinnacle line is out soon, cheaper than both klipsch and ascend options. also read dome and horns are better for movies so that may even rule out raal tweeter options.
lots more research to do so this last speaker purchase wont be any time soon.
i will demo ascend acoustics and maybe demo hsu research ccb-8 speakers


back in early 90s the best audio equipment for cars were rockford fosgate subs, kenwood or alpine radios you took out of the car so they wouldnt get stolen lol. man i remember those days.

after more thinking plus comments here i think i want 3 way speakers with midrange driver so that might rule out the klipsch rf 7iiis. i saw svs pinnacle line is out soon, cheaper than both klipsch and ascend options. also read dome and horns are better for movies so that may even rule out raal tweeter options.
lots more research to do so this last speaker purchase wont be any time soon.
i will demo ascend acoustics and maybe demo hsu research ccb-8 speakers

I’m spending a similar amount soon ... thread a few down also asking for recommendations. It’s tough there is so many products out there. I’m sure the SVS are competent speakers but doubt there in the same league with the RF7 iii ... probably better compared with the RP 8000 which just got a glowing review here. 600-750$ (finish)Speaker with a pretty flat response. The review was good enough to make me question if I should get the RF7 iii or them. My room is much bigger than yours which does matter.


Audioholic Overlord
There's A Lot out there. ;) I spent from June to November last year researching speakers before I even started auditioning. I wish I had auditioned more! Not because I don't like what I have, but because I just want to hear more. :)
Consider PSB Imagine X2T and the difference between that and the next steps up in their line: X2T $650ea, Imagine T $1099ea, Imagine T2 $1749. Would've loved to audition them, but didn't get the chance. People that have heard them seem to like them a lot.
Martin Logan Motion 60XT was nice.
I liked Monitor Audio Silver 500 the best.
I hated Def Tech. Really did not like B&W 600 series.
Did not get to listen to Klipsch.
Loved the sound of KEF, but they caused listening fatigue, which makes me think Horns and I might not get along, either.
The AVS review for the KLH Kendall was pretty solid. Very intrigued by that line. There is supposed to be a full HT review coming, too.
SVS always seems to review well, and people have great things to say about the Ultras. I would choose those over the Primes... even the new Prime Pinnacle. Almost did. Remember, you can always send them back if you think you are interested!
Wharfedale has some interesting stuff, but I think you need to break into the Reva line to get something better than what you can get elsewhere, and maybe for less. That not meant as a knock against them. The Diamond line is supposed to be solid. Many reviews favored Monitor Audio over the Diamonds, though.
If you can step up above the Focal Chorus line... their speakers are supposed to be excellent.
No experience with Paradigm, Revel, and RBH, but they always come highly recommended. RBH was a little rich for my price point.
Also have heard good things about Aperion Audios Verus line.
Still like Ascend and the Sierra Towers and Horizon Center.
And JBL STudio 590s are back on sale and very well liked by many! Over 50% off!
Salk Speakers can get up there, but I think at 3300 for a pair in white or black satin, you would be hard pressed to beat the Song3. He just raised his price on his veneered cabinets, but 3500 will get you very high end wood veneer finish.
I looked, but did not audition Emotiva, Polk, Fluance, and Q acoustics... too many statements or review comments kept me from really getting behind them... except for fluance... supposed to be great for the price point.
Almost forgot: GoldenEar Tritons... probably wouldn't consider anything below the Triton 2 (personal opinion), but many have recommended them. Haven't really heard anything bad about them. Might be worth checking out if you have the opportunity.


Audioholic Field Marshall
back in early 90s the best audio equipment for cars were rockford fosgate subs, kenwood or alpine radios you took out of the car so they wouldnt get stolen lol. man i remember those days.

after more thinking plus comments here i think i want 3 way speakers with midrange driver so that might rule out the klipsch rf 7iiis. i saw svs pinnacle line is out soon, cheaper than both klipsch and ascend options. also read dome and horns are better for movies so that may even rule out raal tweeter options.
lots more research to do so this last speaker purchase wont be any time soon.
i will demo ascend acoustics and maybe demo hsu research ccb-8 speakers
Awww don't change your mind because of anything I said. It was just a musing, but someone already mentioned that the crossover frequency was suitable for 10" woofers. Give the Klipsch a listen for sure! I've not heard a single bad thing about the III's so far.


Full Audioholic
back in early 90s the best audio equipment for cars were rockford fosgate subs, kenwood or alpine radios you took out of the car so they wouldnt get stolen lol. man i remember those days.

after more thinking plus comments here i think i want 3 way speakers with midrange driver so that might rule out the klipsch rf 7iiis. i saw svs pinnacle line is out soon, cheaper than both klipsch and ascend options. also read dome and horns are better for movies so that may even rule out raal tweeter options.
lots more research to do so this last speaker purchase wont be any time soon.
i will demo ascend acoustics and maybe demo hsu research ccb-8 speakers
I would not put the SVS Prime Pinnacle stuff in the same category of Ascend and Klipsch RF7iii’s.

I would also not be discouraged from the RF7iii’s because they are a two way. They are not anemic in the midrange also. See graph:

This is the RP280F which will be the closest match to the RF7iii. It measures very well and I’m sure the RF7iii does too.


Audioholic Spartan
back in early 90s the best audio equipment for cars were rockford fosgate subs, kenwood or alpine radios you took out of the car so they wouldnt get stolen lol. man i remember those days.

after more thinking plus comments here i think i want 3 way speakers with midrange driver so that might rule out the klipsch rf 7iiis. i saw svs pinnacle line is out soon, cheaper than both klipsch and ascend options. also read dome and horns are better for movies so that may even rule out raal tweeter options.
lots more research to do so this last speaker purchase wont be any time soon.
i will demo ascend acoustics and maybe demo hsu research ccb-8 speakers
I hope we haven't turned you off of 2 way speakers. There just as good as there 3 way counterparts. Not trying to influence you either way I just don't want you closed to an option worth your investigating if we've led you to perceive that 3 way speakers are the best route to go. This isn't always the case. It comes down to design and quality some speakers just have the magic thanks to there designer. 2 way or 3 way some speakers just get you there.

This feeling of there is impossible to put into words but it's where the magic happens. We've all felt it it's why we love this crazy hobby

I hope you find the right speakers to get you there


Audioholic Spartan
I’m spending a similar amount soon ... thread a few down also asking for recommendations. It’s tough there is so many products out there. I’m sure the SVS are competent speakers but doubt there in the same league with the RF7 iii ... probably better compared with the RP 8000 which just got a glowing review here. 600-750$ (finish)Speaker with a pretty flat response. The review was good enough to make me question if I should get the RF7 iii or them. My room is much bigger than yours which does matter.
I have a big room to and the3 Klipsch RP 8000f running my front 3 I love so much. Man they kill it.

I used to have 3 SVS prime towers running the front. They are now with 1 more I got running my surrounds

When the Prime Pinnacles came out yesterday I thought about it. Thought about it. Thought about it. Went out and cranked the system

And decided after listening to those front 3 RP 8000f's.....

that I'm going to sell the Prime Towers and get the RP6000f's as my surrounds. If they'll work like this in that setup.

I'm actually gonna post a thread on this in the speaker section tonight to see if members with good experience might know if this will work or not.

I guess what I'm getting at is based on my experience with the new Klipsch lineup I definetly think the RF7 iii will be worth a trial in your room size


Full Audioholic
ok im pretty much exhausted by all the reading.

ive decided on jbl 590s or 580s towers since its mostly for movie watching.
since i have a hsu vtf2 mk5 sub does it matter which tower i go with?
the 580s are $130 less per speaker than the 590s
this midrange deal still bothers me though. neither tower has a midrange driver.

also, the 520c all i read is its only 4 woofers and cant keep up with either tower.

its a 12x18 room, and again this is mostly for movie watching. thoughts?

i really am done thinking about this and it will save me a couple grand going with this setup vs ascend raal and klipsch rf 7iiis


Audioholic Overlord
ok im pretty much exhausted by all the reading.

ive decided on jbl 590s or 580s towers since its mostly for movie watching.
since i have a hsu vtf2 mk5 sub does it matter which tower i go with?
the 580s are $130 less per speaker than the 590s
this midrange deal still bothers me though. neither tower has a midrange driver.

also, the 520c all i read is its only 4 woofers and cant keep up with either tower.

its a 12x18 room, and again this is mostly for movie watching. thoughts?

i really am done thinking about this and it will save me a couple grand going with this setup vs ascend raal and klipsch rf 7iiis
If they chime in, a few are strong JBL fans, and the sale is far and away a great deal!
I would do the 590s for your mains. If you can go with a matching tower for your center do it! They are 2.5 way... they don't specify the two xo's, only one, though. Maybe before you pull the trigger, hit up a search here on the forum and if no info, start a thread asking specifically about the JBLs! I don't remember who, but I know some cats here are fans!


Full Audioholic
If they chime in, a few are strong JBL fans, and the sale is far and away a great deal!
I would do the 590s for your mains. If you can go with a matching tower for your center do it! They are 2.5 way... they don't specify the two xo's, only one, though. Maybe before you pull the trigger, hit up a search here on the forum and if no info, start a thread asking specifically about the JBLs! I don't remember who, but I know some cats here are fans!
would love jbl fans to chime in.
id have to do the 520c for sure.
i had klipsch rp280s and 450c as well. would also wonder how these jbls compare to the klipsch


Full Audioholic
would love jbl fans to chime in.
id have to do the 520c for sure.
i had klipsch rp280s and 450c as well. would also wonder how these jbls compare to the klipsch
I believe there was a comparison of them a while back on AVS. The RP280F’s are definitely comparable with the 590’s, but the new RP8000F’s might have their number.

I’m almost 100% sure the RF7iii’s would trump them also. Haven’t heard them all though.


Full Audioholic
I believe there was a comparison of them a while back on AVS. The RP280F’s are definitely comparable with the 590’s, but the new RP8000F’s might have their number.

I’m almost 100% sure the RF7iii’s would trump them also. Haven’t heard them all though.
i thought the 590s were at least a couple notches above the rp280s. damn i really cant get to where i want in home theater. just no clear answers if you cant audition. i dont want any lateral moves


Full Audioholic
i thought the 590s were at least a couple notches above the rp280s. damn i really cant get to where i want in home theater. just no clear answers if you cant audition. i dont want any lateral moves
JBL has free returns, same with Best Buy. Have yourself a shootout :) No money down the drain, but assurance guaranteed.

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