[QUOTE="ryanosaur, post: 1298979, member: 86393
Basically took a 2x12 scrap redwood board, cut it thoroughly 11x11, screwed it to the base of the stand using m6 screws where the supplied spikes would go on original base. Installed my own spikes, Dayton from parts express on the bottom of the wood base. Much more stable. I took a price of plywood and cut it to fit a monitor pad, bolted that to the top platform of the stand, so the speaker is better balanced. Still kinda wobbly overall, but much better than before.
Here’s a photo of the underside so you can see what I did:
Hmm I was going to use a larger board should I need to, would you if you had to do it over? Or is the wobbly more in the sliding assy?