Thanks for the feed back. You are absolutely right. Reading review on paper and buying speaker is very hard.
Need to adopt 3way or 2way speaker sysem? Does 3way add any extra value? In my above list ELAC is the only model with 3way. Need to go for Elac F6.2 instead of F 5.2 ???
Fluance Signature series not cosidering as placement issues there and I am already having separate sub.
This is a long one. apologies in advance!
Fwiw, mind I'm not an expert, I prefer a 3way speaker to a 2- or2.5. A 2- can be done exceptionally well. And a 3- can suck. That said, with a good 3-way (c'mon guys!), I feel you get better sound because each driver gets to focus on what it does best. But the cabinet and the crossovers can make or break the experience either way... which again goes back to auditioning speakers and what you
like for what you can afford.
personally, preferred what I read about the ELAC 6.2 over the 5.2. But I also set a higher budget. And though I will gladly audition some if available in my local shops, I am not expecting to choose them. To be fair, I am willing to be surprised, and will embrace that if it happens. Dig?
Re: your decision to write off the Fluance: could be a mistake. Just because you have a sub is a poor reason to not buy a better speaker... why I suggested considering ELAC 6.2 over 5.2 as well.
If you want to gamble, please do.
Most of the cats that offered their advice here on your thread have helped me along my path already. You do not have to take anyone's advice, but you asked, and we are willing to share our experiences and knowledge.
By review alone, if you want to try it, you should look at the Q 3050s. "Top 10" reviews rated it their
best overall!, after all. Another review I read dinged the 3050i's, harder. But if you like the QA sound, that might be your best bet as you already have that experience. (I don't.) Again, by review alone, the PSB X2Ts rate pretty well, and if I recall, better than the X1Ts (and would hope so as they're 2bills more ea!). Are you seeing where I'm going with this?
So, an inch or two more in cabinet size might give you better sound! A larger woofer might give you better lows than just counting on your sub to pick up the slack wherever you choose to crossover at. A 3-way might give you better mids. But not necessarily.
Look at your reviews. Re-evaluate your budget. (Don't have to change it, but look hard at what you value!) Then figure out what you want to try first. Hell, Shoot for the moon on the first one! If you like it, keep it. Share your experience with us. If you don't like it: send it back and try your #2.
Lastly: there seems to be a great deal of lower cost/high value speakers. I've looked at over 80, overall, ranging from 300-3000 per pair. I might not buy any of them. I've felt a couple times that I should just drop 2K on a 7.0 rig from emotiva and spend the rest of my budget on 2 subs from Outlaw or Rythmik. *shrugs
I'm still deciding what's right for me. And I'm enjoying my search while I do it!
Cheers, Krish, and Happy Hunting.