And on top of these, just use the standard feet over the spikes. Correct?I have some very heavy 18x18 ceramic tiles that I may be able to stack up.
The carpet can act as a pretty decent "de-coupler", but the spikes penetrate through the carpet and give a solid connection to the subfloor.
AFAIK, the only good of spikes is to give a solid footing for your speakers if you have thick "spongy" carpet that allows a speaker to get knocked over easily (IOW, on a hard floor, if you tilt the speaker by pushing the top 2" sideways, you will feel a fair amount of force trying to right the speaker. On a thick, cushy carpet (w/o spikes),you can push the top over the same 2" and feel very little resistance (think 2" thick memory foam for an even more dramatic example of the mechanics).
Laying down a larger sheet of plywood (or anything that is hard) will spread the weight over enough area that the carpet won't give much under the sheet and the sheet stays flat ... essentially mimic-ing a hard floor. If you end up going this route (and especially if the stance of your speakers is not too broad),it is better yet to fix (screw/glue) the sheet to the bottom of the speaker, making a plinth. That way when you start tipping it, it is the outside edge of the sheet that forms the pivot point and the resisting force is greater.
To answer your question. Use the rubber feet or whatever the standard non-spike feet are supplied. The reason is the tips of the spikes are fixed pretty rigidly (because the bottom corners of your speakers are rigid) and the tile is rigid. Three spikes will contact the tile perfectly (tripods don't wobble!) but the forth is very likely to be a little above the tile - you could end up with a vibration at this contact point! The rubber feet will allow enough give to let the forth support point make solid contact. If your feet are not rubber but something rigid, I would cut a piece of thin felt or carpet grip to assure contact at all four points (or at least make certain there is already contact at all four).
The spikes (if they are sharp) work fine with wood, because the first three will penetrate deeper into the wood than the fourth to allow all four points contact.
Edit: I should add that I am not convinced there is any significant benefit to having the speaker coupled to or de-coupled from the floor with typical construction!