Seems to me history will confirm what does and what does not work. For example, I get pleasure listening to my circa 1959 Magnavox Transistor Radio. I find it quite entertaining to compare and contrast the old radio to the listening experience of iHeart Radio from my iPhone 7+. It makes me wonder what are the combined technologies which make the iPhone sound so much better than the transistor radio? I also wonder as each of these technologies came about what sort of skepticism there might have been for the technology. Sure, some ideas don't have any future but until that future is here how do we really know? Reading the article, shows how folks can see things differently; and, when passionate about it, may not be receptive to opposing views. BTW, I stand with Mark W. since he has the credentials to profess on audio perception matters. In my own arena of expertise, Long Range High Power Rifle Shooting, I read articles almost daily which tell me how to do it written by folks who, having been to the range on a singular occasion, think they actually know something about it. I used to engage these folks but it has never been productive so I just now follow the advise about casting pearls to swine. Idiots are destined to believe whatever they believe without any critical thought involved. You cannot persuade them with facts.