What happened to the Denon AVP-A1HDCI ???
It croaked after 8 years.
Probably about 6 or 7 months ago, the volume output started failing. I had to crank the master volume way beyond the normal. I even had to crank all the speaker channel levels to max of +12.0 and still couldn't get high enough volume. The volume would increase on it's own if I left the Denon on for more than 3 hours - at first.
As time went by, I had to leave the AVP-A1 on for 6 hours to get high enough volume. Then I had to keep it on 24/7 to get adequate volume. But eventually, it finally failed. No volume output at all.
This was the exact same issue I had 8 years ago when I bought a refurbished AVP-A1HDCI - no volume output at all.
Anyway, long story short (I mentioned this is the Separates vs AVR thread), I sent the AVP-A1 to the main Denon repair factory in New Jersey twice! At first, they replaced the Audio-Video Circuit Board. They actually told me it worked!
Bunch of Liars!
So under the Best Buy Warranty per the local BB store GM, we sent my AVP-A1 back to the main factory for a second time. This time they said they couldn't fix it.
So the bad news was that my AVP-A1 died after only 8 years and those Denon repair tech idiots couldn't fix it.
The good news is that Best Buy didn't charge me anything for this fiasco. Not only that, but the nice store GM gave me a good discount on a new Yamaha CX-A5100. Plus I put purchase on the 24-month interest-free plan so I don't fee so guilty paying $75 per month.