Indeed, with an acoustic suspension woofer, the roll-off rate will be the same below the system resonance as with an ordinary sealed woofer. The acoustic suspension woofer has a very low fs and depends on the air in the enclosure to maintain it in a proper suspension. That design allowed Acoustic Research bookshelf speakers to have responses below that of other sealed or ported cabinets.
In the late 1960's or early 1970's, Altec Lansing released a model using a 411 woofer, a 15" acoustic suspension woofer which had IIRC an fs of 11 hz. It had to be installed in a 5 cf enclosure to perform at its best. One of my friend's had a pair of those. When you placed it on a table with the cone facing the table, the full suspension was so soft that the cone would fall touching the table. That woofer could easily reproduce some frequencies below 20 Hz.