My Ascend towers do just this with the mids and high. The RAAL ribbon is amazing. I however think it's poor on bad recordings. Unfortunately a lot of the music I listen to doesn't have the best recordings.They are good. Just not Steven Wilson good. This is one reason I am looking for a more all around tower speaker that has more bass than the Ascends but is a little more forgiving with music that doesn't have the best production.
Much of this music you speak of was never intended for 'audiophiles.' Audiophiles make up a very small percentage of the entertainment target market. I only speak with one other person of all my acquaintances that is into audio nearly as much as I am. Everyone else is headphones, earbuds and cheap equipment.
Best speakers for loud, mainstream rock and other top 40 applications is the old, 3-way, monkey coffin speakers or even the mid sized versions of the same, as well as the under $300 shelf 'systems.' In spite of audiophiles typically condemning such things, the ability of computer sims/manufacturing processes to make even cheap speakers sound good has been around for decades by now. My recently deceased RCA (200+ watts RMS) shelf system that I bought around 2005 for around $160 actually sounded great with mainstream music and could get quite loud.
Still, I cannot get excited by the current trends with audio and speaker design. Anything less than 8" woofers and I am feeling something missing no matter how incredible the quality. Something about the waveguide presence that a 15" woofer creates by default of it's very size ends up being my minimum in all but a small bedroom, and even then, I can still live with them there too for what they tend to bring.