As you may know I have the LS50 and R900 side by side, full time, permanently and I can confirm that I prefer (only slightly) the sound character of the LS50, with the E15HP on, generally speaking. However, someone who is very familiar with my set up there, after comparing them many times, decided he likes the R900 better and bought a 5.1 set in the end. It is a highly subjective thing, so subjective that you shouldn't put much weight in subjective reviews.
Funny you mentioned 5 grand, that's the R900's list price, but they are on sale for 3,600 for a pair. Sounds like new replacement models may be coming soon!
I find the LS50 does share the same sound character of the Blade, to some extent. To me it's recognizable, but with the Blade, not only I enjoyed the music more, I felt nothing missing. With the LS50+subwoofer, depending on the music, I still enjoy them but always felt something's missing.
I really cannot think of any tower speakers that are comparable. Tower and bookshelf speakers are typically quite different to begin with. Just before I hit the post button, I thought I should mentioned Focal. My 1028 Be seems a touch more transparent than the LS50 so I think for a 5K budget, and if you insist on towers, you may want to audition the Aria and pocket the savings if you like them.