I'm the same guy as R Swerdlow on the AVS Speaker forum. To answer your questions directly, yes I always enjoyed my SongTowers since getting them in 2007. Last summer (2017),instead of selling them, I gave them to my son, who has them now.
I had those SongTowers from 2007 until I replaced them with Salk Veracity ST speakers in 2016. That story has a separate thread,
A Salk fan-boy takes action.
Much of the first 6 or 7 pages is about ordering them and waiting. I believe there are photos on page 6. To skip that, go to
page 7 post #128. Also see posts #133, 140, and especially
I think it's safe to say YES, the Veracity ST (VST) is a noticeable step up from the standard dome tweeter SongTower (ST).
Both speakers’ sound resembles each other more than they differ, especially across the whole mid range. Overall, the VST shares the balance of the ST – it isn't brighter sounding than the ST. These are the differences I've noticed:
- The VST has a cleaner, more detailed sound, perhaps because it distorts less.
- The VST has lower bass, 33-34 Hz vs. 40 Hz in the ST.
- The VST has a very clean sounding ribbon tweeter. I’ve heard this enough to be sure it is better sounding than the excellent dome of the ST. Not all music allows me to pick this feature out, but on the right tracks it becomes easy to tell the difference. Imagine a fault-free tweeter.
- The VST is slightly less sensitive, but overall seems to have bit larger dynamic range than the ST.
- The ST has slightly warmer sounding upper bass/lower mid range. This is pleasant sounding, not an undesirable coloration. I was never aware of it before comparing it directly to the VST.
Now comes the hard question, is the difference worth the extra cost? For me, YES, but others will have to answer that for themselves.
I'm in Gaithersburg, Md. If that's close to you, you are welcome to come hear them. Send me a PM.
Throughout this thread you may notice mention of a Dennis Murphy. He not only designs the crossovers for nearly all of the Salk speakers, he is also runs his own small Internet Direct speaker company,
Philharmonic Audio. The SongTower and all it's variations were his ideas. Dennis lives about 15 miles away from me, and I've known him since about 2004. In that thread, I mentioned that he came over later in the summer of 2016 to see and hear the new Veracity STs.