So, you are running an extra conversion step that really isn't necessary, that is just another opportunity to degrade the signal and add noise to your signal chain.
My RPi streamer delivers the digital signal to the DAC over GPIO pins via the I2S protocol. This is the ideal protocol to deliver a digi signal to the DAC.²S
I tend to try to avoid USB for audio applications (in fact, I avoid USB any time that it is possible).
If this were me, I would be looking at eliminating this extra conversion stage, I would not be concerned about my interconnects.
Does your PC have any other digi output options? Even a cheap soundcard with optical output to your DAC would likely be my first choice vs USB to optical conversion.
Also, nowadays DACs silicon (chips) are a commodity item. I don't get all worked up over what DAC chip my gear has, it's more about how the entire circuit topology has been implemented.