I don't think it's merely your speakers. You've built yourself the ss equivalent of single ended 300b amp (albeit ones that lack the ridiculous expense and hassle of tubes). Dollars to donuts you could pick them out in an a/b comparison with conventional amps.
Anywho, my hats off to you for not only building them, but also sharing the process with us. Thanks for your awesome contributions to the forum Mr Boat!
I am back to report after a bit more messing with these amps. This time, hooked to the pre-outs of my Denon 3805 alongside of the subs and bass management, along with the little wide band oddities. I have to say, this is an excellent audio experience. These amps/speakers sound sweet and you are right, there is a sonic difference and it I do enjoy it a lot.
I could live well with this and it gets quite a bit louder than I was expecting and the more I listen, all I can say is, wow.
I will have to get some proper RCA cables but that's where these amps are going to be put thru their paces out here with my nightly listening marathons.
And as I noticed before, these things don't get very warm under load.
Integrated it into my system and finally hooked the amps up to the Tempests. Takes about half the power that it took to drive the wide band speakers and the sound is marvelous. With regard to scale of size though, it's right either way. With the Tempests, it can get too loud in this room. Either way, I could not make the amps clip/distort before I would otherwise wave the white flag SPL wise.
I will probably either dim the LEDs or fire them under the amps, although, the camera is adding a lot of emphasis there. The covers on the amps I actually prefer they lift off. The end plates can hold them relatively snug. Also, with regard to vent holes, these will not need them and I like the idea of keeping the dust out.
If I were to describe the performance, these are not short on detail. For lack of a better description, I would have to notice an emphasis on clarity and these do not hold anything back. What's clouding my judgement is the same thing that happened to me with the little wide band driver speakers. Audiophile quality sound for such a low price and sans much in the way of complications. I believe anyone with a modest living space, could take a pair of these a pair of solid performing, full range speakers, and live happily ever after.
Hat's off to Nelson Pass for sharing this.