Now you are talking,
but let's add two more assumptions, that their off-axis performances, and the resolutions/smoothing of the plots are also identical. Then I would say without seeing the typical full sets of measurements Stereophile typically provide, such as CSD plots, impulse response etc., speakers B appear to be a slightly safer bet due to the more extended bass, smoother response within most of the important frequency range up to 8 kHz, and the apparent lower chance (this one is hard to tell) of bad resonances. The elevated but not bumpy 9-18 kHz range could be EQ'ed easily if found necessary.
We cannot assume the acoustical plots are identical obviously, otherwise the questions would make no sense at all. Oh, needless to say but I'll say it just for clarity, that we have to assume the plots were done in an anechoic chamber, or equivalent environment.
For reference, I highly recommend the AH article linked below.
"The Audioholics Loudspeaker Measurement Standard will focus on the following measurement metrics:
- On-Axis Frequency Response
- Sensitivity
- Listening Window Response
- Polar Response
- Impedance & Electrical Phase
- Distortion Analysis"