In addition to the different measurement techniques discussed above, don't forget the following:
The measurements are both supposedly on-axis listening window, but the two measurers used slightly different axes (axises?). That accounts for some of the differences in the very high treble, which is very directional in general and especially so with this particular tweeter.
Also, the anechoic plot does not include the contributions of the rear port. The pseudo-anechoic plot does, but it is questionable in accuracy because there is
something big that gets in the way of the little capsule mic he used, and that alters his measured response and level. His overall response plot may be off in the bass because of limitations of his technique in situations like this.
What's more, the anechoic plot and the pseudo-anechoic plot assume different spaces for the bass plotting, ie, 4pi space and 2pi space.
When all of these things are taken into account, I think you will all find that the two speakers sound more alike than you might think.