Good stuff-thank you
I hope that enthusiasts here and elsewhere will remain objective and look beyond the limited and sometimes solitary (only performed by one entity) speaker measurements that are available to us and remember that there's always more than meets the eye (or ear

) when it comes to speaker measurements. A little height adjustment, toe-in or toe-out (and slew of other variables) will change that measurement dramatically.
Think twice before you call out a gross "imperfection" in a loudspeakers measured response. That was the whole point of this thread.
This is a great thread! You did a good job in making your point. I also hope that you now realize we are actually quite an objective group on this forum, as you can see that no one has made any definitive conclusions on those "two" speakers. Most comments cited things like:
- more information needed, e.g. smoothing/resolutions of each plot off axis/listening window, distortions, impedance, phases CSD.
- probably sound similar.
- both look pretty good.
- "assuming everything else equal..."
- the elevated above 9 kHz response might be due to the mic positions being different....
- difference due to anechoic and quasi-anchoic....
So overall, no one was willing to pick or jump to conclusion, without more info or making a lot of assumptions/caveats, partly because both look really close and good, except that elevated band. As an example, if the LF response look very different, we wouldn't worry about the marking on the scale, or if there are clear sign of resonances in one but not the other, we (at least I) would not have raise the point about difference in smoothing and resolutions of the graphs.
If anyone would have jumped to conclusion based on just one FR plot (of each speaker), one would have been called out by any of us, that's just my guess of course. If we have not done so in the past, we should, from now on.