Regarding the article on fake reviews, I agree on some of the websites reviewing components. I'm partial to Cnet reviews, since they take their own pictures of the component in review, and give their own pros and cons regarding the said component too. It's sometimes not practical to measure all the spec's given by the manufacturer, so they do their best with what they have. They give a reasonable in depth review of all the the features and how it performs in real life situations. I trust their opinions. It's true that get compensated if you click on a company selling that product, but at least they tell you that before hand, so you can judge for your self whether or not to believe what they review. You can't always say that for other review websites, since as said in your article they could be just rehashing press releases and really reviewing it themselves. You can take what I've said with a grain of salt. This is my two cents worth. The product that they reviewed and I purchased was exactly as they recommended, and performed to my expections. I was well pleased with my choice from their review.