With the tax season coming I might be able to pony up some money to upgrade my speakers. The tricky part is that I already have something I like very much (see signature). I've been looking at 2
if you have another speaker please speak up

Coming from the speakers you have. Thoughts on upgrades I have heard.
OEM speakers.
REVEL F208, excellent all around speaker, best low end in the $3-$7k price range...these were roughly $5k.
Monitor Audio G300, I heard these right after the B&W session. More airy, open, but I wasn't crazy about this speaker 2.0...w/sub I like them a lot more...roughly $6k
B&W804D3, I noticed you didn't care much for the B&W line, but sinc eI heard this one a great deal...nice speaker but if you've been listening to flat speakers for a long time, the "B&W" sound is a tad warmer in the mids, but they have ramped up the tweeter in the D3. I've owned B&W for 20 yrs and I like the sound...now that I have Salks...I think B&W 800 series are really over priced now.
Legacy...If I were any where near the $10k price range, I think you have to hear the Focus Se.
Custom speakers.
Philharmonic audio.
Phil3...if you have the space to accommodate them. $4kish shipped...I haven't heard these, but I know 2 people that own them, one posts here on AH. The driver pkg, and the reputation of Dennis Murphy...these should be on your list.
Salk Sound
Song3A...$4k (shipped)...Jim Salk's new 3way model with the Accuton Midrange driver....I own a pair and will be posting my initial impression in a few days. I'll share this in the meantime...in a smallish room (seated 6-8' away), these will be great as 2.0 speakers. In a larger room, they would be a little light in the bass for my taste. Paired with the HSU subs, these speakers go to another price level entirely imo. The dual subs blended in just enough to add that extra little weight on the low end...when the drummer kicks the bass drum hard, you feel it a tad bit....awesome.
From the 4 weeks I've spent with this pairing...everything is there, clarity, detail, transparency, and loads of bass with the HSUs...for <$6k for the main/dual sub combo, I don't think I would spend $10k on a pair of speakers unless I just had an enormous listening room.
The con...transparency doesn't discriminate, your weaker recordings will be exposed maybe more than you anticipated or realized. Wait time.
JHMO...the Song3-A is going to go up in price soon.
VeracityST or HT2 TL...slightly more expensive, maybe even more transparent.