We are in violent agreement. One of the banes of audio is the technically detailed description of why a particular audio tweak, like CCN or whatever the geek tweak is, will result in some increase in a thing that needs increasing or will result in a decrease in something that needs decreasing. But nary a word of proof on whether I can hear it or not.
I have listened to
@PENG (and others) hammer away at amplifier guru's who claim this or that wonderful feature on their boutique amp because "its better that way". Can I hear it? Can
@PENG hear it? Most of the time, Peng doesn't let those geek tweaks slide by with mere claims. Signal to Noise (SNR) ratios is an area where great claims are made for special components. But, in the end, you can't tell the difference.
I think your original post said "upgrading crossover components won't necessarily bring you any better sound" is great advice and supported from a "can I hear it?" point of view. It might be satisfying and a wonderful DIY project to do so and the OP may have had a great time doing it. I don't fault anyone for doing DIY projects on their stuff. Great things can happen. Two thumbs up for projects.
But, would I be able to hear the difference? I think a lot of folks could save significant funds to buy REAL upgrades if they didn't get caught up in spending money on things that just don't make an audible difference. I think if there's one significant lesson I have learned since coming to the AH its finding and discerning those things I can hear verses the promises of "what one might be able to discern".