I'm surprised to see such a political landmine of a thread on Audioholics,
I think Gene takes this particular issue seriously because it's the Internet and where he does business.
I hoped this issue would transcend politics, I know that's naive. But that's why I tried not to come off as Pro/Anti Obama or Trump, I didn't want to walk into that landmine. Both have had their problems, it's not black-or-white to me. Plus, I'm Canadian so I get to come off as totally impartial (but half my family is American so I'm not that impartial).
@sholling I'd love to hear your thoughts. I did a lot of research into the technical aspect of what had been called 'throttling' on places like ArsTechnica, I respect that publication a lot, but I think they got it wrong when, around '14? They accused Comcast of purposely throttling Netflix. That was a big accusation that spread across the Internet and really added fuel to the Net Neutrality fire... it may have been completely false.
I won't try to explain how the Internet works, but there are algorithms prioritizing packets of data all the time throughout the infrastructure of what we call The Internet. It's possible (to simplify) that Netflix was the target of such algos to de-prioritize as it was likely one of the biggest data hogs ever seen at the time.
It's also possible that Netflix was used as a euphemism for YouPorn, people just didn't want to admit that they were getting cut-outs and slow-downs when trying to watch their porn of choice so they just said... video... err... Netflix, yeah, Netflix.
I believe it's true that data hogs might be the target of de-prioritization to ensure everything is running smoothly.
But to @
pewternhrata - Yeah, the worst case scenarios of a non-net neutrality America won't involve your ISP getting that granular as to prioritize PSN or XBL, that takes work for them. They'll likely enter "partner deals" that don't count against your data for wireless with streaming services... possibly PSN or XBL? But they're unlikely to block it.
If Comcast seriously pulled a provable shenanigan that involved blocking areas of the Internet, you will be able to take it up with the FTC. It will STILL be illegal for an ISP to block areas of the Internet, unless they say in their contract that's the service you're subscribing to. I doubt Comcast would do that because they know the political pendulum is going to swing and if it swings too far in favour of net neutrality they will be toast and back to have to play Mother May I with the FCC every time they want to expand their fiber net work.
TITLE II Net neutrality was not good, there were a lot of ills. Sadly, it mostly not good for Comcast and Verizon and everyone thinks they're evil because they're big companies. But they perform a valuable service and I think we ought to try and make it easier to execute on their services. But "blocking" or "throttling" will be clear cases of impropriety for any ISP, they could get sued. And if 22-million emails to the FCC in support of net neutrality is any indication, Comcast will be on its best behavior in the foreseeable future... I hope.
Because net neutrality is so high profile, a provable case will be some liberal attorney's wet dream, it won't be hard to find someone taking the case pro-bono. In fact, I'd say there are snares being set as we speak, IT people who double as net neutrality activists will be monitoring this very closely and if they see unfair business practices they will spring the trap... IMHO...
But I'm interested in what
@sholling thinks.