I was in electronics school for longer than it takes to understand how electricity works. I've also worked with some rather expensive wire. Not for the way it processes electrical currents in a superior fashion, but for redundancy under some rather extreme environmental conditions, whether it be for a marine environment, or out of our Earth's atmosphere, perhaps. The alloy might be superior with regard to corrosive resistance, extreme cold or heat, or fatigue resistance with regard to severe vibration where hands will never be able to get to it in which to repair it ever while in use, but outside of that, it exceeded by a degree of thousands of times of what the actual signal that was to go thru it would ever need. In more cases than not, it was instead about the insulation jacket that was around it with materials such as Teflon, that rendered the cable essentially fireproof well over 1000 F, or direct flame, for that matter.
Furthermore, the engineers that design these cabling protocols for such systems scoff at the idea of a superior cable for something as benign comparatively as an audio signal. If I were to mention it to them, I would have to make the sarcasm very apparent with perhaps, handicap speak, and with rolling eyes so as not to get abused with ridicule from there on out for what could amount to the remainder of my working life.