“It isn't terribly difficult to rig up IEDs, chemical agents, or deadly projectile slinging devices.”
Far, far more difficult compared to the ease of obtaining assault firearms which offer far greater control, and precision in their carnage. With far far less danger to the perpetrator to execute.
“Automobiles have been a favored weapon of terrorists lately.”
I covered this already, so I’ll c/p; …when firearms have the same governmental oversight, transparency, licensure, training and insurance demands etc. not to mention open legal remedies against manufacturers, I’ll be glad to discuss this further. While automobiles can have tragic, let’s say, “off-label uses,” I believe that the primary benefit of automobiles for the private citizenry trumps that of assault weapons ownership any day.
“If a person is determined that they will cause mass casualties, it is extremely difficult to control that, especially if the person is a lone-wolf and does not reveal their plans to anyone else.”
“So, what you are basically saying is that it would be OK to infringe upon my rights to own firearms due to crazy A-holes. I'm not OK with any of my rights being infringed upon for any reason.”
Your rights are from the second amendment which demands that it be “well regulated.” I’m not sure why an argument is made that any kind of laws involving firearms are infringements, and not said regulations.
“The ability to defend myself is a basic human right, well before any 2nd amendment came along.”
Do you need an assault rifle to make ensure this?