in a couple of days will arrive the avr x1300, a cheap av to begin.
today I made some speaker test ro understand how big they are, as you cam in the picture, left os mtm, center blues mtm and right os tm. Impressive how big is the blue!
looks that the OS speaker will fit better in my room, and the blues look a little bit oversize
some questions:
-can i paint the B4N cone? will change somethings in response or somethings else? (i'm a car painter, will be a really thin layer)
-for the rear channel, can i leave the orientation of the OS TM to each other, or in my case, i can have something else to reproduce the rear surround?
-can i use instead of 2 OS mtm on the front L/R channels, 2 OS TMM tower near to the tv, where there is the sub right now?
-if i build the tower, the sub must be between the tower to the center or can be off set in the left corner
i dont have so much place
next month i will buy the 5 speakers, and the OS is the best choice for me right now. but lets see, maybe a crazy last minute temptation will convince me to go for the blues ( TM/MTM/TM front e TM/TM back)