Incorporating MiniDSP With Audyssey XT32



Senior Audioholic
I'm struggling with the power cord right now... lol. Why can't it just be the right plug already in there!
Or go grab a 5v AC. Dig one out of the closet, or go to wal-mart


Audioholic Jedi
I have the HD 2x4. I'm planning to do what I typed above, unless there's a better way to incorporate it with my towers or something too. I think what @ATLAudio did was smooth things with his mini and ran Audyssey after. Audyssey was able to dial it in better with some help if I understood correctly.

*Edit: I'm getting it out of the box right now and starting with that plugin.
Yep that's the way to go, get things dialed in with the minidsp and then run Audyssey (or not)....


Audioholic Slumlord
Yep that's the way to go, get things dialed in with the minidsp and then run Audyssey (or not)....
What's with the "(or not)" stuff? I do have some reservations. Do you think the extra filtering I apply with the mini will mess more up than it fixes? If I didn't already have it I wouldn't be considering using it, but I do so...


Audioholic Jedi
What's with the "(or not)" stuff! I do have some reservations. Do you think the extra filtering I apply with the mini will mess more up than it fixes? If I didn't already have it I wouldn't be considering using it, but I do so...
LOL I think you'll be fine with the combo, but pause after doing just using the minidsp for a while, to see how that works alone is all I meant, as some do just want to eq sub/bass frequencies alone, but it should make it easier for Audyssey to do it's thang...after all you've got time and the gear to play with!


Audioholic Slumlord
LOL I think you'll be fine with the combo, but pause after doing just using the minidsp for a while, to see how that works alone is all I meant, as some do just want to eq sub/bass frequencies alone, but it should make it easier for Audyssey to do it's thang...after all you've got time and the gear to play with!
Lol. I completely misunderstood your post. I'm gonna get started. I have a link to the manual, but I'm probably going to have many questions. Aside from that plugin and the REW plugin, do I need any more?


Senior Audioholic
Between MiniDSP tuning, and Audyssey, I still had to tame the same 60 hz bump on my mains. Even with an 80hz cross, it's still there. The MiniDSP is just for my subs, so I need Audyssey for that, if nothing else. However, Audyssey will also set distances, and levels for proper sound stage and panning.


Audioholic Jedi
Lol. I completely misunderstood your post. I'm gonna get started. I have a link to the manual, but I'm probably going to have many questions. Aside from that plugin and the REW plugin, do I need any more?
Not sure what you mean by "and" the REW plug in, the minidsp plugins I believe all can deal with REW...


Audioholic Slumlord
Between MiniDSP tuning, and Audyssey, I still had to tame the same 60 hz bump on my mains. Even with an 80hz cross, it's still there. The MiniDSP is just for my subs, so I need Audyssey for that, if nothing else. However, Audyssey will also set distances, and levels for proper sound stage and panning.
Gotcha. I'm gonna see what I can do with the mini by itself first, like HD suggested. Are the 2 plugins all I need?


Audioholic Slumlord
Not sure what you mean by "and" the REW plug in, the minidsp plugins I believe all can deal with REW...
I thought I read that you needed a plugin for the mini to work with REW? Maybe o read it wrong. I'll see if I can find it.


Audioholic Jedi
I thought I read that you needed a plugin for the mini to work with REW? Maybe o read it wrong. I'll see if I can find it.
You need plugins for the minidsp to work at all :) They're compatible with REW, see the description blurb on the HD plugin I linked....


Audioholic Slumlord
Under "What is Needed".

"You will need:

  • A miniDSP plugin that supports the "REW integration" feature. (Suitable examples includes the Advanced 2-way, Advanced 2.1, Advanced 4-way, and the 2x8, 4x8, 4x10 and 10x10 Crossovers.)
  • The miniDSP hardware that runs the plugin - see the "Supported platforms" row on the plugin page linked above.
  • Room EQ Wizard (REW), which is a free download from Home Theater Shack"


Audioholic Slumlord
You need plugins for the minidsp to work at all :) They're compatible with REW, see the description blurb on the HD plugin I linked....
Okay, sorry man. This is brand new for me. I'm a slow starter, but I'll get it down.


Audioholic Slumlord
I went after it with my usual reckless exuberance and I didn't get very far. I quickly realized I'm gonna have to do some homework and I hate homework.

I got everything connected, but my left sub wasn't outputting anything. Plus I need to figure out how to bypass all of the filters between my subs and the SR6011. That last one is surprisingly more diffucult than I thought. I guess just turn Adyssey and manual eq off? The subs won't play in direct mode, correct?

I just need more knowledge. About everything. As the mini something I could, or would want to use on the towers as well?

I'm going to relax for a few days, enjoy the improvements I've managed so far, and read up before I try to tackle this again. Things are sounding very good now.


Audioholic Warlord
I went after it with my usual reckless exuberance and I didn't get very far. I quickly realized I'm gonna have to do some homework and I hate homework.

I got everything connected, but my left sub wasn't outputting anything. Plus I need to figure out how to bypass all of the filters between my subs and the SR6011. That last one is surprisingly more diffucult than I thought. I guess just turn Adyssey and manual eq off? The subs won't play in direct mode, correct?

I just need more knowledge. About everything. As the mini something I could, or would want to use on the towers as well?

I'm going to relax for a few days, enjoy the improvements I've managed so far, and read up before I try to tackle this again. Things are sounding very good now.
Just use it on the subs. REW should be able to control the minidsp and output the test tones without the receiver IIRC. Could be wrong, but that's what I remember reading.


Audioholic Slumlord
Just use it on the subs. REW should be able to control the minidsp and output the test tones without the receiver IIRC. Could be wrong, but that's what I remember reading.
OHHHH! Just bypass the receiver altogether! See? It's little tidbits like this that I keep missing.

My son just unintentionally paid me a nice compliment. He came out this morning and asked if I'd done anything with the subs because the bass sounds better. He wasn't here when I took all those measurements and moved stuff around. I'm really pleased with the results so far. I'm gonna see if the mini will get me even closer.


Audioholic Slumlord
Okay, how do I get a signal from my pc, to the mini, and out to the sub. I have the mini plugged into a usb on my lappy and subs plugged into outputs 1 & 2. Is there a setting in windows I have to change? or do I need a toslink?


Audioholic Warlord
REW should be the signal generator. Or so I thought. REW should pick up the mini as your soundcard (sort of) and that should get you started.
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Okay, how do I get a signal from my pc, to the mini, and out to the sub. I have the mini plugged into a usb on my lappy and subs plugged into outputs 1 & 2. Is there a setting in windows I have to change? or do I need a toslink?
Uummmm you don't? I still have to catch up from a couple pages back. Unless I'm not in my right brain cell I'd still go from the avr to mini to subs. I think you'll use it with Audyssey, not in leu of. Unless I'm missing it, bypassing the avr will be convoluted and not work. Must eat...
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
So hook up the mini normal. Go hdmi from lappy to front of avr like taking sweeps.

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