Anything that takes days/weeks/months to figure out if you are hearing isn't something worth dropping any coin on simply because it's most likely all physcosamatic.
Here is what started my banishment at the Polk Audio Forums:
People talking about the benefit of cable burn in (why can't cables ever sound bad after burn in). They also eschew science and practical approaches to bias controlled assessment. So fully sighted and they can control their bias irregardless of all the scientific literature to the contrary.
SOOO... I decide to knock every single objection out from underneath them:
1. It's not my equipment
2. It's not my room
3. I need to decide when to switch
4. I need to decide the duration that I listen
5. I need to do it sighted
6. I can't have someone administering the test
7. I can't have someone staring over my shoulder
So I offer to send out two sets of line level cables, RCA or XLR, two burned in and two not. Randomly labeled. I'll even send $100 to a charity of their choosing if they can sort out the correct pairs and also pick the better sounding pair and have it be the burned in pair.
Hilarity ensues and they label me a troll for answering every concern they had about a bias controlled evaluation. So funny this thread that
Bob Lee, head applications engineer at QSC audio, likens me to 'Copernicus walking through an astrologers convention'.