In Scottsdale Arizona there exists a lot of excess money in peoples bank accounts. Accordingly, its where all the expensive car dealers are, and not without coincidence, the most expensive audio stores. The very fine English accented gentleman who showed me around on the day I wandered in one had a formula to avoid spending to much money on cables. Formulas are great because they sound scientific.
Spending $10,000 on a set of cables is of course not necessary if you only have $10,000 to $20,000 of stuff installed. That would be extravagant. He told me you should only spend 10% of the cost of your installed system on cables. No more. (and by implication, certainly no less). Nose in the air. sniff . sniff.
This of course means that if you aren't spending $10k on your cables, well, then your stuff must be worth a lot less than $100k and really, if its that tacky, why bother? Apparently, that line of scientific/formulaic snobbery must work because he could indeed show you some very, very expensive cables. I demurred.