Yeah, all you stout drinkers (and tripples/quads), I gotta start posting my IPA drinks to balance it out.
I loved stouts for many years, but today my 1st choice is always an IPA!
I actually enjoy IPA for a change of pace. I keep a few of those on hand as well.
Kind of funny that, the everything snob buddy I have, that has also given me a rough time with my audio choices (no more since I shut his trap with the Tempests
) buys a lot of craft beer and even designer coffee. He comes over with beer in a fancy box that IIRC, cost him over 40 bucks for two beers! So he's sitting here, going on and on about it. . .smelling it, sipping it, describing it down to the molecular level.
Meanwhile, he runs out. lol. His experience is over. I'm sitting on 3 10 packs of Murphy's. So, to keep up with the Jones', I start describing and snob'ng over my own. How wet it is and how thirsty I am not. Don't you know, that he suddenly developed a taste for my stout?