Audioholic Jedi
Let me define your problem. Is it better to be more nearly correct than precisely wrong?Ok, so if my statement is wrong, where are the back channels defined in the SACD spec? Which specific SACDs have any signal output from the back channel outputs in either analog or HDMI?
It seems there might be some misunderstanding, because that is all I said in that statement. Still think the statement is false?
Sorry, if you do not like my style. But, what are you calling, exactly? You have not presented any facts yourself that in any way refute anything I said. You are essentially saying you don't like it and it is bull. But, show me where I am wrong.
What I'm getting at is the object of audio is the closest approach to the original sound. That was Peter Walker's time honored slogan (Quad for the Closest Approach) during his ownership of Quad.
So which is the closer approach to the original sound in my two of my examples.
1). Having the rear Great Organ of Cologne Cathedral coming in correct perspective from the rear, or as you would have get it precisely wrong by adhering to a spec that puts the organ right behind my head or in front of me if I'm in the second row.
2). In Britten's War Requiem, which adheres to the composers intent and instructions? Having the chamber orchestra boys choir and the war poems come from the rear in correct perspective, or again have them right above my head, or in front of me. That latter making a farce of the performance and running roughshod over the composer's intentions for what you say is the correct spec, and getting it precisely wrong.
Now don't dodge it, please answer the question.