Stereophile, in a synopsis from Axpona, included a very nice mention of these new Song 3 speakers:
"The world premiere Salk Song 3 (tentative name) 3-way speaker system ($2895/pair), with a claimed sensitivity of 89 dB, had maybe two hours of break-in on it, but it still sounded amazingly impressive for the price. Paired with the world premiere of the Wells Audio Majestic integrated amplifier ($3499), world premiere of the Salk StreamPlayer Generation II Mini ($1195), a Lampizator Amber PCM/DSD DAC ($2200), and an assortment of Danacables ($3780), this $12,374 package ($9899 at AXPONA) was my Best Buy system for Day 1 of the show.
The sound was extremely clear, smooth, and lovely. Not only was it closer to neutral than many systems I encountered on day 1, but it was also amazingly communicative."
Even though Dennis Murphy can be modest, I believe he is proud his newest design got noticed and prominently mentioned at such a large audio show.
I am trying hard to avoid commenting about how the speakers are less expensive than the integrated amp or the various cables
