What a bunch of paranoid right-wing crap that pic is. Right out of Donald Trump's headquarters. The majority of the USA's Muslim citizens are pretty well assimilated. I can't speak for Europe, but that is an idiotic generalization. The American Muslim men I have known were interested in cars, dumb movies, sports, and video games. The American Muslim woman I have known were interested in glamour, families, and gossip. Just like most of the other American men and women I have known. "The path of Islam", give me a break. Islam is a diverse religion with a complex history. Whoever created that picture did so in either malice, total ignorance, or both.
The problem with Dog Chasing Tail arguments. It's a distraction.... a distraction from ever really doing anything about terrorism..... except to react after the fact and clean up.
The script goes like this:
A terrorist act is committed.
Someone gets their wrist slapped for using broad brush statements, lumping all Muslims together.
Media news coverage of issues is bias in favor the status quo. So very little discussion is allowed and must be within a PC boundary.
Next up, the candlelight vigils and everyone singing Kumbaya. The lights on significant buildings and monuments around the world will be changed to the color of the Victim Country's flag.
Last, but not least, the sheep slowly forget..... until the next time.
No one will scratch their head and realize, whatever we've been doing.... and spending, it doesn't stop terrorism. Taxpayers and citizens are simply collateral damage.