You really think that the signature and the r55ti, $700/ea and $350/ea, can compare to a B&W 804D3 at $9k/PR? I've heard speakers that are at various different price points and I can tell you without any doubt that those high end speakers sound completely different from less expensive speakers. I understand when you are comparing in a similar price point but comparing your two speakers to the 804d3 is not even in the same class.
Any one else have thoughts on this?
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When I auditioned the B&W 803D2, 804D2, & 805D2, I didn't think much of them.
Actually, I didn't think that much of the 800D2 and 802D2 either. But somehow I kept on coming back to the B&W dealer over and over again like an insane person and convinced myself that the 802D2 was worth my money.
One fact that always bothered me was that speakers like the r55ti & Infinity P362 measured much better than the 800D & 802D in terms of on-axis and off-axis frequency responses.
Bottom line is, bias is astronomical. But the heart wants what the heart wants. If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad, as long as you have plenty of money.