Home theatre subs
For systems where home theatre is the main priority, we recommend our vented subs. At 20 Hz, a vented sub is comparable to the output of two similar sealed subs.
LV12R is our lowest cost sub and is designed for smaller rooms and modest budgets. Our larger 15" subs are suited to larger rooms and have substantially more output. Don't be fooled by typical comments about vented subs lacking accuracy. These subs are tight and musical.
Music only systems
For music-only systems we recommend our sealed subs. We have sealed subs in various sizes and finishes. Where high output at 20 Hz is not needed, our sealed subs will match the output of their vented equivalents. In addition, greater extension is possible. Combined with room gain, in-room extension to 14 Hz or even lower is possible.
Combined systems
For combined music and home theatre systems, many of our 15" sealed subs are a good all round compromise. Our dual sealed 15" F25 is a very good choice, offering the LFE output of our vented subs but with the added bonus of greater midbass efficiency and output.