Banning the term climate change won’t stop the reality



Audioholics Master Chief
Dr. Davis is the rare modern doctor who pays attention to his patients and doesn't blindly follow the insurance protocals for treatment.
I have followed his blog long before he wrote Wheat Belly.
I wish you would actually read some of his work before discounting it.
As a cardiologist, he followed the cardiology related path of increases in obesity and diabetes, trying to explain why our generations are having such high rates.
If you look at the changes to wheat from the 60s & 70s, one change is a increasing of the number of chromosomes in wheat from 14 to 42. Much of this was done by a brilliant man who was striving to ease world hunger. Unfortunately, this work predates good knowledge of genetics. If you believe tripling chromosomes doesn't matter, that is your prerogative, but you will also see gluten levels are much higher in this wheat.look at timelines for obesity, Celiacs, and diabetes.
This wheat is incredible high yield. So much so, that if you want gov farm subsidies this is the wheat you must grow. How much old wheat do think is grown in the U.S.?
You can blame high fructose corn syrup for a lot of the obesity in this country. The American diet is loaded with sugar more so now than ever.


Audioholic Ninja
You can blame high fructose corn syrup for a lot of the obesity in this country. The American diet is loaded with sugar more so now than ever.
So true. It's actually difficult to find certain kinds of products without loads of corn syrup or high amounts of sugar. And I don't mean diet stuff that simply uses an alternative to sugar. I recently was on the hunt for drinks light on sugar as Vitamin Water has over 30g of sugar these days and I really don't care for flavorless stuff; I want some sugar, just not a ton of it over-sweetening my drink. One of my current favorites is Steaz iced tea some of which only have 9g of sugar like the super fruit flavored one.


Audioholic Overlord
If he's a proponent and a practioner, why is he now substantially overweight?
Do they give his height and weight?
The last image I saw of him looked pretty reasonable. Don't know if he has put on a lot of weight. Also, overweight by what standard?
I am 215 and 6-1. That is overweight by many charts, but I lost 50 pounds after cutting wheat from my diet and pretty happy with 215. No change in exercise habits. Yes, I weigh more than I ideally should, but my weight is not proof that wheat is not a critical factor.
You can make a sucessful argument it is not the only factor.


Audioholics Master Chief
So true. It's actually difficult to find certain kinds of products without loads of corn syrup or high amounts of sugar. And I don't mean diet stuff that simply uses an alternative to sugar. I recently was on the hunt for drinks light on sugar as Vitamin Water has over 30g of sugar these days and I really don't care for flavorless stuff; I want some sugar, just not a ton of it over-sweetening my drink. One of my current favorites is Steaz iced tea some of which only have 9g of sugar like the super fruit flavored one.
Try Honest Tea. The brand is pretty good. They even make juice packs, full size servings with only 7-8 grams of sugar for a full 8-10 oz serving. I brew my own teas and use local honey which helps a bit with allergies if you suffer from them.


Audioholic Slumlord
QFT. It's essentially similar to Monster's business plan: hype and pseudoscience marketing, applied to food. The folks who actually have Celiac disease are but a tiny fraction of the number of folks on the anti-gluten bandwagon. It makes a mockery of those truly afflicted with disease, and it's all about making a buck. Bandits exploiting the helpless.

Sorry, end rant.
I hope that you aren't saying that my wife and daughter are making a mockery of people with celiacs disease or other people who gluten intollerant. That would be a very stupid remark on your part.


Audioholic Ninja
We just need to stop everything? You might want to rethink that a bit, ya know, to avoid economic collapse and starvation. ;)
I don't hug trees, I cut them down and craft them in to beautiful things. And I know your understanding of electrical engineering means that you are no fool.

Just keep your 'alignment' with the facts (the peer reviewed ones;-) so that your otherwise good 'transmissions' do not become 'mass-loaded.'

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I hope that you aren't saying that my wife and daughter are making a mockery of people with celiacs disease or other people who gluten intollerant. That would be a very stupid remark on your part.
I don't take it that way nor should you IMO. It's more that the marketplace reacts to public perception and develops products that cater to that perception. To gain more market share, they will look to leverage that perception, grow the niche product, and charge accordingly.

We know there are people with celiac disease and those with various degrees of legitimate gluten intolerance. We also know there are people who believe they are gluten intolerant yet aren't. It's unclear to me whether the reports that more people than ever are gluten intolerant is due a legitimate rise or because of improved diagnostic techniques.

So it's not that your family is making a mockery, it's that companies are looking to leverage your situation and those of others into expanding their offerings by preying upon people who would derive no benefit from consuming the product.


Audioholic Slumlord
I don't take it that way nor should you IMO. It's more that the marketplace reacts to public perception and develops products that cater to that perception. To gain more market share, they will look to leverage that perception, grow the niche product, and charge accordingly.

We know there are people with celiac disease and those with various degrees of legitimate gluten intolerance. We also know there are people who believe they are gluten intolerant yet aren't. It's unclear to me whether the reports that more people than ever are gluten intolerant is due a legitimate rise or because of improved diagnostic techniques.

So it's not that your family is making a mockery, it's that companies are looking to leverage your situation and those of others into expanding their offerings by preying upon people who would derive no benefit from consuming the product.
Good write up. I agree. I make the bread in our household and the ingredients are more expensive for GF bread than the regular flours used in the regular bread that I make. It gets worse when one moves into GF prepared foods. Most of the GF foods I sampled doesn't taste very good either.


Audioholic Spartan
I don't hug trees, I cut them down and craft them in to beautiful things. And I know your understanding of electrical engineering means that you are no fool.

Just keep your 'alignment' with the facts (the peer reviewed ones;-) so that your otherwise good 'transmissions' do not become 'mass-loaded.'
Thank you for the kind words. To be honest, I am a tree hugger, I'm just one who believes in practical reality. I'm also a believer that human ingenuity in technology tends to get us past problems many think are insurmountable.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Good write up. I agree. I make the bread in our household and the ingredients are more expensive for GF bread than the regular flours used in the regular bread that I make. It gets worse when one moves into GF prepared foods. Most of the GF foods I sampled doesn't taste very good either.
Gluten free bagels leave something to be desired. Now, what if they were able to GMO engineer it so the gluten still retained all its benefits while the aforementioned drawbacks were now nonexistent? Would you give it a try and if you found that it delivered on its promise, buy it?

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Looking at this pragmatically, whether the rise in sea levels is 100% man caused or any other percentage, some sort of a plan needs to be developed. How's about making the area attractive for real estate buyers with more money than brains from China?

And should we be calling it man made? I mean, folks. Let's be inclusive. There's a lot of special little snowflakes that want you to know they're important and nothing makes them happier than to be labeled. So, how's about LGBQTA-made?


Speaker of the House
Staff member
A real man would only use whiskey for anasthesia anyway.

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